"What's your reality?"
I wanted to check something on the back of our refrigerator recently, just to make sure it was working properly. The refrigerator sits back in a cabinet so I carefully wheeled it out just far enough to allow me to get back there.
And boy was I in for a surprise. Maybe you’ve pulled your refrigerator lately or maybe you pull it out regularly and check it, but I don’t. I was amazed at how much dust there was back there. I mean you would think that with no more room around it than there is that no dust could get back there. I was wrong.
I guess we all make certain assumptions about life like I did about the refrigerator. You look at something, figure "Here’s the way it must be," and go on about your business. But in fact, reality is often different.
Life’s not about what you hope or wish or assume is true. Life is about what’s really there in front of you, the reality of the situation. When you’re disappointed, it’s usually because you didn’t check in on reality.
Listen to life today for what God has to say about your ultimate reality and live out of the expectations God helps you set.