"Are you secure?"
Early one morning recently, while I was getting ready for the day, my wife called me over to our bedroom window.
"Tell me what you see," she said.
So I looked out the window into the woods on our farm. And there, not very far from our home, was a deer. She was lying down.
Then my wife said, "Now watch her eyes."
The doe’s eyes started to close, slowly at first, then all the way together and her chin started dropping until it rested on her chest. She was sound asleep.
Now while I watched the doe falling asleep, our yellow Labs were barking their intruder alerts, kind of like the robot on the old TV show, "Lost in Space."
"Danger, Daddy Faucette, Danger. Intruder Alert!"
But the doe just slept, secure and confident that nothing would harm her. She knew the dogs couldn’t get out of the fence.
Today, there will be dogs barking at you at work or home or the grocery store—somewhere. Choose to rest secure in God’s care for you as you make a life, not just a living today.