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Thursday, January 22, 2009

"I find myself in the Land of Confusion sometimes, don’t you?"

A grandfather and his grandson were playing in their home one warm, sunny day. “Would you like to go outside and play?” the grandfather asked the young boy. Of course, he did so off they headed toward the door.

Just before they opened the door, the grandfather asked, “Do you want to go outside in your bare feet?”

The grandson stopped. He looked down at his feet, and then looked back at his grandfather. He looked at his feet again, this time a little longer, like he was studying them. Then he looked back up and said, “No PaPa, not bear feet. Let’s go out with our toes.”

Do you ever get confused like this little guy about what someone else is asking you? Obviously he thought his PaPa had lost his mind, thinking they had feet like a bear’s. I find myself in the Land of Confusion sometimes, don’t you? Wandering around in search of some meaning and understanding.

Today, when you don’t understand, just stop and ask for help from God about what your life means. And listen to life and make a life, not just a living, maybe even in your bare feet!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Do you misunderstand?"

Last month, a 4 year old and his dad were talking about his role in the Christmas play at school. They were discussing his costume and what he’d do in the play; those kind of things.

“What character are you playing?” the dad asked.

The little boy said, “I’m a shepherd.”

“Oh,” the daddy said, “Do you know what a shepherd does?”

“I guess he herds sheps,” the 4-year-old said.

And the dad, without laughing, said, “That’s sheep, son. He herds sheep.”

“Oh good,” the boy said. “That makes sense now. I didn’t even know what a shep was, Daddy. I didn’t know how I was going to herd it.”

Do you ever get assigned a role at work or home and wonder how you’re going to do it? And you’re not even sure what it means?Life’s like that sometimes. Next time you’re asked to do something you’re not sure about, ask your Heavenly Daddy to give you an explanation or send you some help as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Do you rush through life?"

A friend who listens to life with us through www.listentolife.org wrote me about an experience he had recently. It seems that someone was burning leaves and the fire jumped and went over to another area.
Eventually it was contained. He wondered why someone would be burning under the conditions at that time.

And then he thought about that for a second, and listened to his life. “Many times in life we start something,” he wrote, “be it a task or new project or even just a sentence. It’s not the right time for it. God tries to get us to stop, or slow down and re-think our plans. God even sends us signs like the conditions at that time or a thought or feeling. Still we charge ahead, ignore the warnings, and bring dire consequences on ourselves and others.”

We do, don’t we? Or maybe, I should say, I do. What about you?

God really does know more about what’s best for you, but you have to consult with God, ask God what to do, to take full advantage of God’s wisdom.So today, before you rush off to do what you think is best, stop for a
moment and just ask, “God, what do you want me to do?” Then listen to your life.

Monday, January 19, 2009

"Written a note lately?"

When was the last time you sent a hand-written to someone? Let me tell you—it makes a big impact on the receiver.

Recently someone sent me a hand-written note. It read, “Dear Joey, Thank you for being you. You are a comfort and a blessing to us. God bless you.”

Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t get too many of those. Sure, an email like this every now and then, but a handwritten note? Nobody takes the time to send handwritten notes anymore, do they?

But this person did. And it means so much to me that I keep near my telephone so that I see it quite often every day. It’s there to remind me that being me is enough; that I don’t have to emulate someone else. I’m reminded that what I do matters and helps others. And I’m reminded that I can send a hand-written note to someone else and make their day, too. So I try to do just that at least once a week now.

Bless someone by writing a note to them this week as you listen to life.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

"What difference does your work make?"

I was talking with a man who runs a dry cleaning business. We were talking about his business and the most fulfilling parts of what he does.

He told me the story about how a family’s home burned and one of the only things they salvaged was the little girl’s teddy bear. Now this teddy bear was in pretty rough shape. He had soot and stains all over him. He was soaked from the fire hoses and didn’t smell very good. But the little girl absolutely loved this teddy bear and it was all she had left.

So this man took on the mission of cleaning up the teddy bear. He worked on the little bear’s soot stains until you couldn’t see them anymore. He cleaned up and sanitized him so that he smelled all better. And he said, “That was one happy little girl when I was through.”

He went on to say, “And that’s why I do what I do. I get to make a difference.”What difference does your work make in someone’s life? Look for an opportunity today to make a difference through your job as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.