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Thursday, February 01, 2007

"Who do you think will win this weekend?"

A golfer developed his game to where he consistently played nearly even par every time. Now you may know someone like that, but this golfer has only one arm.

A friend mentioned to him that most golfers with two arms didn’t play nearly as well. The amputee said, "Well, it’s my experience that the right attitude and one arm will beat the wrong attitude and two arms every time."
Think about that for a minute. It’s true, you know. And not just in golf.

This weekend, two teams of the best football players in the nation line up and go at it. They’re strong and talented. The one with the right attitude wins.

The right attitude is a choice you make every day. You make it regardless of your circumstances like the amputee. You make it every day, not just once upon a time.

What’s the right attitude for you to win in the game of life? You choose your attitude by listening to life today for what God has to say and making a life, not just a living.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"How's your car running?"

Imagine with me for a moment that before you start your car or truck each morning to go to work or school or wherever else you’re going that you put six grains of sand in your gas tank. That’s right, six grains of sand in your gas tank.

Okay, it’s only six grains of sand, but if you do it every morning, how long do you think it’ll take before your vehicle won’t run? Soon, right? That great engine would be a mess, unable to do what it was designed to do.

Negative, unpleasant thoughts dropped into your spirit affect you in the same way. They break down your spiritual motor. You’re broken down by worry, frustration, and feelings like you don’t matter to anyone. Pretty soon, you’re broken down beside life’s highway and you can’t go on.

The next time you’re worried, frustrated, or imagine you don’t matter to anyone, drop your negativity like a handful of sand. Instead, put this positive thought in its place; say it to yourself, "God loves me because there’s nobody on earth like me."

And then listen to life so you can make a life, not just a living.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"Are you blessed only to discover it much later?"

My family and I live on a horse farm where my wife boards horses for others and takes care of our own. I work for my wife on the farm. I’m in charge of maintenance…which basically means I fix stuff when it’s broken.

One of the things commonly broken is the fences around the horse pasture. Most of the time, deer who miss while trying to jump over the boards break them.

Well, one morning I discovered that more than just boards were broken. Several posts were knocked down as well. The strand of electric wire around the fence stayed up, but barely. In fact, the fence was so messed up that had the horses realized it, they could have gotten out. I thanked God that none of the horses escaped as some of my daughter’s friends and I repaired the posts and boards.

Sometimes you’re blessed and don’t even know it. I had no idea the fence was broken during the night. How does God bless you and you find out later? Listen to life and make a life of discovering your blessings today!

Monday, January 29, 2007

"Where are you sailing off to today?"

It’s a great time of year to enjoy a cruise, isn’t it? Lots of us sail off for warmer destinations during the cold months of winter.

At least you’re most likely to get on a cruise ship with a definite destination, aren’t you? One with a map of a route to take you from your port of origin to a place of your choosing? One with a plan of where to stop on which day? One with GPS so the captain knows every minute of the trip where you are on the seven seas?
You’re least likely to get on a cruise ship with no destination, aren’t you? One without a map and no idea of where you’re heading off to? One with no clue as to which day you’ll be where? One with no GPS so the captain has to guess where you are located?

But maybe you do get on a no idea, no clue, no GPS ship and cruise your life? Just kind of bopping along, letting other people tell you what to do.

Today, ask God to captain your life. Connect your spiritual GPS with God’s Spirit and listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

"How are you feeling?"

It’s that time of year again—the cold and virus season. Unfortunately I came down with a cold and had had it for about a week, when I came down with a stomach virus. It took me about another week to feel some better. So I was feeling pretty rotten for a while.

One day, I managed to crawl up to my office so I could answer some email and do a little writing. I opened an email from a friend who listens to life through our website at www.listentolife.org. She wrote that her husband would soon have surgery to remove the top lobe of his lung to remove a tumor. They also care daily for her aunt and the husband’s mother. She asked that I pray for healing and strength.

I sat very still for a moment after reading her email. I realized that while I had been sick, that a cold and stomach virus certainly aren’t life threatening. And that I have so much to be thankful for. I felt better immediately.

So the next time you’re not feeling well, open your email or just look around and pray for someone else. It’s great medicine when you listen to life.