"Is it your birthday today?"
Today is my "little" brother’s birthday. Only he’s outgrown me by a few inches in height and a few pounds, too. So he’s not exactly little anymore, but he’s still my "little brother," you know what I mean?
You see, I vividly remember waiting at the hospital to see him for the first time and getting upset because my Mama was in a wheelchair. And kissing on him so much that I gave him my cold in the first week or two of his life. And ringing the front door bell until someone came to the door and paid some attention to me instead of just to that crying baby.
I remember teaching him to throw and hit a baseball and then his pitching a no-hitter and hitting a grand slam in a Small Fry game. His shooting me with a BB gun and me not telling on him because I knew Mama would take both our guns. And our riding bikes for miles, imagining the bad guys were chasing us.
He’s not so little anymore, but God gave me the best brother I could ever have. So "Happy Birthday," Jeff! Listen to life and make a life, not just a living today, little brother!