"What do you see?"
My sister-in-law was getting ready for work one morning. My niece walks into the bathroom wearing a pair of funny pink flamingo sunglasses.
She walks in so excited saying, "Mom! Mom! Look at everything! It looks different! Come on Mom! Come out here! Look over there!" She takes her Mom out of the bathroom and into the den. She thinks her Mom sees everything differently as well.
So her Mom patiently tells her that she’s not wearing pink flamingo sunglasses and so she can’t see everything differently. So the three-year-old takes off the sunglasses, hands them to her Mom, and says, "What about now?"
And my sister-in-law says, "Things do look a little differently through pink flamingo sunglasses."
How often do you assume everyone else sees life the way you do? Pretty often? It’s natural for you regardless of age to assume everyone sees life the way you do. Today, when you’re talking to your spouse or child or coworker or friend about what you see, remember God made them unique. So help them see what you see by listening to life and making a life, not just a living today.