"Got a new hobby?"
Can you remember the last time you did something just for fun? Just for the sheer pleasure of it?
All work and no play really do make you dull. And irritable. And impatient. Ever noticed that? If not, I’ll bet your spouse or child or friend has. Just ask them.
Then pick a hobby for fun. Let me give you an example. A friend of mine made me a fly fishing rod and gave me a reel to go with it. He gave it to me several years ago. It’s stood in the corner of my bedroom since then, faithfully waiting for me to take it out fishing.
Now I’ve always wanted to fly fish, but never learned how. My excuse was no equipment. Now I say, "I don’t know how." So I bought a book about how to fly fish and now I’m learning.
Just pick a hobby and get started. And then enjoy yourself. Life is way too short for you not to play. The work will wait. And you’ll be more productive when you return. Enjoy making the life God gives you today!