"Who's in your circle?"
Have you ever walked into a room and into a group of people who were unduly criticizing someone else? They were spinning every angle possible about this person’s "checkered past." Or, enjoying a game of one-upmanship in speculating about things they know nothing about in this person’s life; a game I call "I’ll bet…"—"I saw them eating lunch together and I’ll bet…"
What’s your reaction when you walk up on a conversation like this? A conversation that’s doing anything but honoring and respecting this person? A circle of innuendoes and lies that destroy the reputation of someone, calling them anything but a child of God?
Do you join in, glad they’re not talking about you? Guess what? When you’re not there, they talk about you. Or, do you walk away in disbelief? Or, do you redirect the conversation? Or, do you say something like, "Now how do you know that for sure?"
Honor and respect others as if God stands beside you in that circle as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.