"Are you like a rock?"
I was working in one of our horse pastures recently and saw a rock. Now, there’s nothing extraordinarily different about this rock. It’s just a rock that’s lying in our pasture. I found it by tripping over it.
I stepped back and looked at the rock after I tripped on it. And for some reason, I started thinking about that rock. You know, a horse, galloping and playing in the pasture, could step on that rock and twist an ankle or bruise a hoof. Or, I could run over it while mowing the pasture and nick and tear the mower blade. That one rock keeps grass from growing in that spot in the pasture, grass that could nourish the horses.
Now if one rock makes that much difference just by hugging the ground in our horse pasture, how much difference can one person can make? More specifically, how much difference can you make? Choose today to make a positive difference just by being you. You don’t have to do anything extraordinary. Just choose to be positive where you are as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.