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Thursday, April 27, 2006

"How do you act?"

All of us have certain things or people that we really love. You have some activities that you absolutely love to do. You are passionate about particular aspects of life much more so than others.

Well, let me ask you: how much do you act on these desires?

I coach a lot of people about aligning what they say they love to do with what they actually do. It’s one thing to say, “I love my family” but if you’re rarely with them because you’re working all the time, you have to wonder how much you really love them. Or, if you love kayaking, and you dream of owning a business up in the mountains that teaches people to kayak and takes them down rivers, and you have a kayak but it hasn’t been in the water in the last six months, do you really love kayaking? Or, do you just love the idea of kayaking?

Desire without action is just a dream. Every one of us has a desire born into us. Unfortunately, many of us die without ever realizing that desire.

As you listen to life today, listen for ways God leads you to act on your desire so that you can make a life, not just a living.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"Who leads you?"

A friend who listens to life with us through our website (www.listentolife.org) recently shared a story about a couple of horses in a pasture together. One of the horses is blind. What’s amazing is the horse’s owner didn’t put him down.

Instead, the owner provides for the blind horse’s needs in a special way. If you listen carefully at the pasture gate, you’ll hear a bell. And another horse walks up in the pasture. She’s wearing the bell attached to her bridle.

You’ll also observe her checking on her blind pasture mate from time to time, making sure he’s within easy hearing distance.

And if you watch carefully, you’ll notice the blind horse following the sound of that tinkling bell. He trusts her to lead him where he needs to go.

Sometimes you and I are like that blind horse, probably more often than we want to admit. Like the owner of this horse, God doesn’t get rid of us just because of our imperfections. Instead, God provides for us, sending others to lead us. Thank God for helping you today as you listen to life and make a life.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"Is your packaging consistent with what's inside of you?"

My wife bought a new type of pen recently. I borrowed it one day and immediately stole it from her. I loved it! It flowed smoothly across the paper and it’s large enough so that’s it easy to grip.

Well, of course, she caught me in the act and bought me my own pen, just like hers. As I looked at the pen’s packaging, I noticed that the pen received an “ease-of-use commendation” from the Arthritis Foundation. Now I don’t have arthritis, but I understood why the pen gripped so easily.

So I started opening the package and couldn’t with just my hands. I mean, I pulled and tried to rip it open. Finally, I took out my scissors and cut it open, but the plastic packaging was so tough, the scissors hurt my thumb.

And I thought, “The pen is for arthritis sufferers, but they’ll have to get someone else to open it.” There was no consistency between the pen and the packaging.

Today, as you listen to life, make sure that your packaging—the “you” you present to others—is consistent with your spirit—what’s inside of you.

Monday, April 24, 2006

"Do you listen to your kids?"

I stopped by a clothing store one day for my daughters. I was intent on just dashing in and out. Well, my dashing took a little longer than I thought.

It turns out the attendant listens to life with us on our syndicated radio show. So I listened with fascination as she talked about her favorite stories.

Then as I left and got to my car, I heard a child crying. I turned to see a rather harried looking mom with her little son by the hand, heading to the car. She said, “He wanted a balloon, but the lady was busy.”

Immediately I thought, “Busy talking with me.” And so I asked, “May I go get him a balloon? I’m sure she’s not so busy now and he looks like he’s missing his nap and could use a balloon.”

She said, “You think so? Well, I’ll go get it” and she did.

The next day, I received an email from her saying he stopped crying when they turned to go back in. “I guess,” she said, “that sometimes we should listen to our kids instead of just hearing them. Thanks!”

Try listening to instead of just hearing your children today.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

"Who owns your business?"

My wife boards horses on our farm for other people. They bring their horses to our farm, she takes care of them, and the owners ride them.

A couple moved to our area from South Dakota and brought their 4 horses with them. My wife wound up boarding their horses for them. The wife of the couple is pregnant. So my wife helped her find an obstetrician to care for her. And she’s getting together some other women to throw a baby shower for her.

When the mother-to-be heard about the shower, she was elated and said, “You didn’t have to do all of this for me.”
And my wife replied, “When I started this business, I gave it to God and asked God to help me use it to minister to others. And that’s what I’m doing.”

How can you use your business to minister to others? Can you smile at someone who’s had a rough day? Can you treat others the way you want to be treated? Can you be honest in all of your business dealings?

God owns my wife’s business. Who owns yours?

Listen to life and make a life, not just a living today with God as your partner.