"Do you persevere when a problem is chasing you?"
I really love bluebirds. I’m constantly looking for new places to put boxes for them to nest in. (Go to http://www.nabluebirdsociety.org/ for more info.)
I noticed a pair of bluebirds building in one box in early spring. I also saw a mockingbird hanging around, chasing the bluebirds away from the box; even sitting on top of the box. But the bluebirds kept building anyway.
I became concerned that if the bluebirds hatched their young while the mockingbird was around, that he’d kill the babies. So I ripped out the nest, in hopes the bluebirds would stop building for a few days; just long enough for the mockingbird to lose interest, then start building again.
And that’s exactly what happened. The mockingbird moved on and the bluebirds came back, hatching four more to join the growing numbers on our farm.
Sometimes in life, as with nest-building, you have to start over. You have to back up and try again to be successful. When a problem starts chasing you today, catch your breath for a little while, then persevere with God’s help as you make a life, not just a living.