"What’s your first reaction?"
I’ll always remember the first time our family took one of our yellow Labs to the beach. Princess loves the water, but had never seen the ocean. So when we took her down for the first time, she really didn’t know what to think. I mean, the ocean’s wet so she knew she’s supposed to like it, but the waves crashing in on her scared her. This water moved and that was different.
Soon we couldn’t get her out of the water. She jumped the waves and loved every minute. Then she discovered the sand and in minutes was on her way to China, digging a hole just as fast as she could, enthralled with how easy it was to dig in this dirt; totally unlike the hard soil around our home on the mountain.
Are you like Princess? Is fear your first reaction when you face a new situation? Do you try it out and discover the beauty of something new?
Sometime soon, maybe even today, you’ll face your ocean. Take a deep breath, ask God to be with you, then go play in it as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.