"Are you being recycled?"
A friend of mine started a business that recycled wood. That is, he would buy old barns, beams and rafters out of old textile mills, and old wood out of other buildings, and craft it into lots of wonderful, one-of-a-kind products. For instance, wood flooring and paneling, and he even made furniture out of this old wood.
Now you and I drive right by some of these places where he got his wood. Old barns out in the country, barns that are falling down. Dilapidated factories that companies abandoned long ago. Sure, they were handsome in their day, but now they’re just old.
But my friend sees beauty in these old buildings. He sees woods that aren’t grown anymore that have distinctive characteristics; wood that’s turned silver-gray as it aged.
We’re a lot like that, you and me. Only it's on the inside that the beauty grows with you. Sure you turn silver gray and lean a little, but it’s inside—in your spirit—where the true beauty recycles. As you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today, look inside and let God recycle you.