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Friday, August 12, 2005

"How squirrrely are you?"

I detest squirrels that steal the seed I buy for my birds. I read about and even bought a bird feeder called "The Absolute," a weight-sensitive device. It's made by the Century Tool & Manufacturing Co. of Cherry Valley, Illinois and has a counterweight device that shuts the feeder door when anything heavier than a bird lights on the feeder. When it first came on the market, Sue Wells, director of the National Bird-Feeding Society, says she and others thought someone "had finally come up with the ultimate solution."

But reports have surfaced from places like my backyard, that squirrels have defeated this most ingenious effort by teaming up with one another. While one squirrel stands on the counterweight bar behind the feeder, thereby keeping the front door from shutting, the other squirrel stands on the roost and feeds. And then they switch places.

Like these squirrels, when you work with someone else, you accomplish a lot more than working alone. So invite God onto your team today as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living, and enjoy the rewards.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

"How's your vacation?"

Why is it that to take a week of vacation, so many of us have to do two weeks of work before we leave and two weeks of work when we return? You’re only gone a week! Does the work multiply while you’re gone?

This reality can produce a certain amount of guilt about vacation times. For instance, let’s say you go to the beach, pick up a seashell, and put it up to your ear. Do you hear the soothing tides of the ocean gently rolling in on the shore? Or do you hear, "So you thought you'd get away from work for a week, did you? Don't you feel guilty? Just think of all the work you’re missing. That associate could be moving up to take your place, you know…"

When making a living interrupts your making a life, when work intrudes on recreation, remember that the word “recreation” comes from two words meaning, “to create again.” Your vacation is a time to re-create your spirit, your family relationships, and your passion for life.

So listen to your life today and focus all of who you are on making a life, not just a living. And enjoy your vacation!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Are you making a life?"

Have you ever been so tired that all you wanted to do was sit and zone out in front of the TV? Too worn out to concentrate, you really don't watch anything but spend all your time channel surfing. After about a half-hour of this, you're so exhausted all you can do is stagger off to bed or, worse, don’t make it that far but fall asleep in the recliner.

Have you ever settled down in your favorite chair with your favorite beverage, your favorite snack, and your favorite magazine, all ready—and you've earned it—to enjoy a little quiet time; only to have a short visitor show up with these big eyes, an impish grin, and say, "Mommy, would you read me a book?" or "Daddy, would you play catch?" or your spouse with a “How was your day, honey?” Now, which helps you make a life: a half-hour with glossy pages about baseball or beauty aids, or a half-hour with a snuggly child perched in your lap or with a budding All-Star in the back yard or spent talking with your spouse?

Now I know it’s easier to channel surf or read a magazine, but listen to life today for what God has to say and make a life, not just a living.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

"What does God's voice sound like?"

I walked into a restaurant recently, recognized someone and spoke to him for a moment. I moved on toward my table when someone called my name. I turned around and there was another friend. She said, “Even though my back was to you, I heard your voice and knew it was you.”

Some sounds are just more familiar than others, aren’t they? There are three trademarked sounds that I know you will recognize immediately: the NBC chimes, the MGM lion roar, and the Harley-Davidson engine sound. We hear and recognize these sounds quickly, like my friend did with my voice.

But there are some other sounds that we don’t recognize so quickly. What does God’s voice sound like anyway? God’s voice can sound like any voice, at any time, and anywhere. It sounds like goose bumps up and down your spine. Or a baby’s soft breathing. Or an “I love you.” God’s voice is more than a sound. It’s a feeling, too. So listen to life today for God’s voice with your ears, your eyes, and your heart as you make a life, not just a living.

Monday, August 08, 2005

"Are you afraid?"

A month ago yesterday, bombs exploded in London, killing at least 52 people riding on the mass transit system. As with so much of life, British citizens couldn’t control whether or not such tragedies happen in their country, but they discovered again that they do have control over how they react to it.

One way they chose to react was through Alfie Dennen’s web site at www.werenotafraid.com. The purpose of this site is to “show the world that we’re not afraid of what happened in London, and that the world is a better place without fear.” Tens of thousands of people have posted images on the site, each one proclaiming, “We are not afraid.” There are pictures taken moments after the blasts. There’s even a photo of Mr. T—remember him from “The A Team” TV show?—and the caption reads, “I ain’t afraid of no fool!” A community of people encourage one another to choose not to cave in to fear, the real target of such insane acts, through this site.

As you listen to life today, don’t be afraid and remember: God is in control.