"Got love?"
A friend came over recently and we watched a football game together. He sat on our sofa at one end. One of our yellow Labrador retrievers, Princess, walked into the room, spotted room on the sofa next to my friend and crawled up. Within just a few minutes, she had her head in his lap and he was rubbing it. Pretty soon, she had her head and shoulders in his lap and he was rubbing her neck.
The next thing I know, she’s licking his face and he’s rubbing her neck. Then she’s trying to get her whole body into his lap. And he’s laughing and I’m laughing and in her own way, Princess was laughing!
I know this is a busy time of year for you. You have more on your schedule than you normally do—extra events in addition to the usual activities. But let me let you in on a secret—if you truly want to make a life and not just a living, take some time out to share love with another. You see, just like my friend experienced, when you give a little love to someone else, you receive a lot of love back!