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Thursday, May 10, 2007

"What does a mother do anyway?"

A man came home from work to find total chaos in his house. His three children were outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers all over the front yard.

When he walked in, a lamp had been knocked over, the TV was on, and the family room had toys and clothes everywhere. Dishes filled the kitchen sink, dog food was on the floor, and a broken glass was under the table.

He ran upstairs looking for his wife. He was worried that something serious had happened. He found her in the bed in her pajamas, reading. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her and asked, "What happened here today?" She just smiled and said, "You know every day when you come home from work and ask me what in the world I did today?

Well, today I didn't do it."

Thank your mother this weekend for everything she does for you.

She’s quite a gift from God!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

"Do you ever wonder what God is like?"

A father took his three-year-old son outside on a beautiful day for a walk. They wound up walking through a memorial park where it just so happened that the youngster’s great-grandfather was buried. Obviously walking through a memorial park and talking about his great-grandfather led the little guy to asking some questions about death.

Only he didn’t ask the typical "Why?" questions of a three-year-old. His father explained how "Big PaPa" as they called him had died and how his body was there in the park but his "spirit" was with God in heaven. The little boy asked, "Daddy, what is God like?"

His Dad thought for a moment, and then answered, "Buddy, think of the kindest person you know. God is like that and even more!"

The three-year-old thought about that for a moment more and then said, "I get it. God is like my Mommy!"

What could his Daddy say?

God is a lot like that, and even more. Thank God for your mother this weekend as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

"Hugged your Mom lately?"

A six-year-old son and his mom were walking out to the van one morning, getting ready to take a little trip. For no apparent reason, just right out of the blue, the little guy looks up at his mom and says, "You know Mom, my whole world would change if you weren’t in it."

His Mom was so shocked by his statement that she couldn’t respond. I mean, it’s not everyday your six-year-old looks at you and says something like that. The best she could say was, "Yes, honey, you’re right."
Then he threw his arms around his Mom and gave her the biggest, tightest hug his little arms could muster, telling her how glad he was that she is in his life.

His sudden gratitude caused his Mom to remember the important role she plays in her children’s lives and to ponder how that can change at any point and time.

Be sure to hug your Mom this weekend and let her know how glad you are that she’s in your life. If you can’t hug her, find a Mom you can hug and let her know what a gift from God she is to her children.

Monday, May 07, 2007

"Do you ever just want to stay longer?"

A friend who listens to life with us through our newspaper column recently told me about his daughter visiting him with her two daughters. They’re from out of state so they don’t get to see each other as often as they’d like.

Well, it was Sunday—the day for the granddaughters to return home. They were obviously reluctant to go because they wanted to stay and visit with their grandparents.

Their mother went outside for a walk. My friend, their grandfather, said to the girls, "Let’s lock her out. You want to?" Now remember, he’s talking about his own daughter.

And the girls said, "Yea, that way we can stay longer!"

Now I know Mother’s Day is this weekend, but there’s just something special about grandparents, don’t you think?

Family is such a great gift from God. Be sure to include as a part of your making a life this week taking the time to let all of your family members know how blessed you are to enjoy life with them.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

"Seen any woodpeckers lately?"

I told you about my having "one of those days" several weeks ago, and I asked God to send me a sign. God sent the most beautiful red-headed woodpecker you’ve ever seen and not just on that day, but every day since then.

Then a couple of weeks later, I told you about how I heard him hammering on the metal bird feeder, and thought, "Well, he’ll figure out he can’t get in on the side and stop." But he didn’t and I went out and discovered that the feeder was empty, teaching me another lesson as I listen to life.

Well, this sign-from-God-woodpecker is still showing up every day at that feeder. Only he’s not alone. He brings friends with him. In fact, he is joined by four other species of woodpeckers. They take turns munching from the feeder by hanging on the tree and leaning into the back of the feeder. One of them is small enough to hang from the feeder itself.

And I’ve noticed all of these woodpeckers flying over our farm. I guess they were there before, but I just didn’t notice them. So when you ask God for a sign, be prepared to get more than one!