"How are your words?"
On a table in my office, I display something rather unique that a friend gave me. It’s a wooden block, with the letter “F” carved in it. This wooden block is the type used many decades ago on printing presses, the kind that had to be fit in by hand, rolled with ink, and then paper pressed on it.
I keep this block displayed to remind me everyday of the importance of words—the weight they carry with others, the meanings they can share, and the lives that are changed by writing and speaking words. I must give full consideration to the importance of my words. I’m reminded by this letter block that not so long ago, it was a time-consuming task to print a book, a newspaper, or anything for that matter. Today, words are shared with a key stroke.
Words help and hurt, hug and harass, hold and harangue. I keep this letter block on display to remind me to choose my words very carefully.
Ask God to help you choose your words at home, at school, at work, and at play as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.