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Thursday, May 04, 2006

"Are you in a rut?"

Do you drive the same way home every day when you get off of work?

So what would happen if you drove a different way home from work today? You’d see something new, potentially exciting and your mind would disengage from work more efficiently.

Do you eat in the same restaurant really often and find yourself ordering the same thing just about every time?

What would happen if you ate in a different restaurant on a different night of the week? Or, ate at the same restaurant, but ordered something you’d never eaten there before? You’d see new people, and experience new tastes.

Do you ask for the opinions of the same people every time you’re working on a project? What would happen if you asked the opinions of others, even those you usually disagree with? You’d benefit from viewpoints that are out there rather than just those who agree with you.

Spring cleaning your life includes washing your windows of vision so that you can see beyond your normal horizons as you listen to life today.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

"Got any dusty relationships?"

You go through a season in life where you’re really close to someone. You see him every day. You talk with her often.

Then, the next thing you know, you move or he graduates or she gets married and you hardly talk at all. Before you know it, your best friend is your former best friend.

Part of spring cleaning involves dusting everything, especially places you haven’t dusted in a while. Spring cleaning your life means you dust off your shelved relationships. Now how does that work?

Think about someone who you were once very close to, but hardly talk to or see now. Ask God to lead you to that person.

Next, look them up on the Internet or call another friend that’ll know where they are.

Then, decide how to dust off your relationship with that person. You can call, email, handwrite a note, or go see them. The main thing here is to restore the relationship and renew your spirit with one another.What a great way to make a life, not just a living, as you listen to life today!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"Is the door of your mind open?"

Okay, let’s spring clean your life some more today. This time, let’s open the door of your mind and let some fresh air in. Now how do you do that?

You’re eating lunch with some coworkers. The conversation turns to a coworker who’s not at the table and the remarks aren’t kind. In fact, they’re very critical of her work habits, her clothes, her car, and just about anything else you can imagine. And then the fatal sentence, “And did you hear…” starts the gossip.

And you’re sitting there listening to all of this. So what do you do?

Keep your mouth shut, glad you’re at the table so they won’t talk about you? Or, do you join in, adding your own frivolous flair to the negativity?

To spring clean your life, open the door of your mind and let some fresh air in. Redirect the conversation by changing the subject to something more positive or at least lighter. Or, be direct. Comment on something you admire about the woman or some positive character trait.

Open the door of your mind to goodness as you listen to life today.

Monday, May 01, 2006

"How's your attitude today?"

Okay, let’s say you’re spring cleaning your life. And you want to scrub the floor of your attitude because your attitude determines where you walk daily. And so the day you decide to scrub the floor of your attitude is a rainy day. In fact, it’s a rainy Monday. Now what’s your typical attitude toward a rainy Monday.

But what if your area is experiencing a drought. Now what’s your attitude?

But what if the drought has made the ground hard and the rain is falling so fast that it’s simply running off, no real chance for the ground to absorb it. What’s your attitude now?

Now think about what a child would see on a rainy Monday. Mud puddles to play in. Rivers to stand in and watch the water splash up your legs. Boat races with leaves and twigs. Bathwater for birds. God watering the flowers and grass and trees.

You see what you’re looking for. You hear what you’re listening for. Your attitude decides what you see and hear.

Scrub the floor of your attitude as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Do you spring clean your life?"

If you haven’t already, I’ll bet you’ll soon spring clean your home. Your house has been closed up all winter and because of the cold air outside, you kept the windows shut. You’ve recirculated the same air all winter and it’s gotten a little stuffy.

So now it’s time to throw open the windows and let the fresh air in. It’s time to hang your bedspread out on the clothesline and release all those winter cold germs. It’s time to wash the windows so you can see spring all around. It’s time to shove Old Man Winter out the door and welcome the new green of spring into your home.

Now let me ask you—Do you spring clean your life?

Do you shove those old, stuffy habits that just don’t work for you any more out the door? Do you stretch out the clothesline of your mind and hang your stale routines on it? Do you wash your windows of vision so you can see beyond the horizons that everyone else does?

Spring clean as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.