"Is your life noisy?"
I’m used to a lot of peace and quiet since I live on a farm. The only noises I really hear are our yellow Labs barking or the turkeys gobbling or the horses neighing.
Recently I traveled overnight. The hotel I stayed in is adjacent to an interstate. So there was the roar of trucks on the highway, but I adjusted to them pretty quickly and was able to go to sleep easily. But I woke up when someone stood outside of my door, yelling at someone else in the parking lot, for what seemed like an eternity. Pretty soon they quieted down and I went back to sleep. Then, several hours later, I was awakened by four gun shots which kept me awake for a while as you can imagine. I don’t think I’ll stay there again.
Life is noisy sometimes, too, isn’t it? Especially at this time of year with office parties and family gatherings and school plays and the list goes on. Take some time out to find yourself a place of peace and quiet, some space where you can listen to life today for what God has to say and make a life, not just a living. It’s in the peace and quiet that you can really listen to life.