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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Do you love sports?

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 Most of us love sports. But sports can be pretty tough at times. Here’s a list of the ten hardest things to do in sports.

The tenth most difficult thing to do in sports is ski downhill at 80-90 mph.

 The ninth is stopping a soccer penalty kick.

The eighth is riding in the Tour de France.

The seventh is running a marathon.

The sixth is landing a quad in figure skating.

The fifth most difficult thing to do in sports is returning a 130 mph tennis serve.

The fourth is hitting a golf ball long and straight.

The third is pole vaulting fifteen feet or more.

The second is driving a racecar at mega-speeds around a track without getting hurt.

And the most difficult thing to do in sports is hitting a 95 mph fastball.

So what’s difficult for you to do in life? What’s your 95 mph fastball? Remember as you’re swinging away today, you’re not swinging alone. God swings with you as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

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"Do you have enough?"

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 I spoke at a graduation exercise to a pretty good-sized crowd. They were so quiet as the administration, faculty, and myself entered the hall. You could only hear the music.

But just as soon as the graduating class began to enter, the noise slowly erupted. And it grew louder and louder and louder. As graduates marched in and their families caught sight of them, the hall filled with noise and you could barely hear the music. Friends were shouting, “Way to go!” and mothers were yelling, “That’s my baby!”

The excitement and pride smothered and covered that hall.

It seemed as if none of those family members and friends were worried about losing their enthusiasm or their voices. There was more than enough of both to go around without any reservations.

Today, live out of that kind of excitement that knows there is more than enough to go around, that there’s an abundance of everything you need to make a life and a living. There’s nothing to lose. God is good and cares for every single one of us! So shout it out!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"Have you called God lately?"

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 Do you have a friend you’ve known for years, but haven’t talked with a while?

I have several friends like that and I decided to call one of them recently. He wasn’t home, but called me back when he returned. We’ve known each other for about fifteen years and we were both in radio broadcasting for a while and we both have daughters so we share a lot in common. We really enjoyed each other’s company when we lived closer together.

But I moved away and at first we called each other, but later stopped. But you know what? When he called me back recently, it was like a day hadn’t passed since we last talked. We laughed. We joked. We talked seriously about life. He helped me with a technical problem I had with some equipment. It was just like old times! We were together again.

Like my friend and me, maybe it’s been a while since you talked with God. Maybe you’re wondering if it’s been so long, God forgot you. Not a chance! Call God today—pray—and you can be together again, just like old times.  

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Monday, August 10, 2009

"Are you lost?"

I recently moved from one office to another. And you know what that meant—all of my “stuff” wound up in boxes. Some of it was pretty easy to find—like lots of boxes of books. Finding a specific book is a different matter, though. And finding those little things that you depend on, but don’t have enough of to fill an entire box, stuff like staples and paper clips and other office supplies, was really tough to find.

All of which means that when I needed something or just wanted to use something, no matter how well we labeled the boxes, I still had to plunder through some of them to find it. I searched and searched and sometimes I found what I was after and other times I didn’t. I just gave up in frustration and did without whatever it was I was after.

The next you feel lost in life—maybe like you’re packed up in a box and stuck in your life, with no obvious way for anybody to get to you—remember: God searches for you until you’re found. God doesn’t give up looking for you until you’re discovered. God wants you near by where you are useful. So as you make a life, not just a living today, know that God is looking for you.

"Do you look for beauty?"

Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!

I sat at the restaurant table with my friend, listening to her describe her spiritual journey. It’s one like yours and mine, filled with highs and lows, good days and bad days. Then she said, “But all along the way, God continues to send me beauty.”

“What do you mean, ‘God continues to send you beauty,’” I asked.

She said, “Not just big, obvious things like rainbows. Just small objects of beauty that I could easily miss if I wasn’t looking.”

And at that very moment, a little girl about 4 or 5 years old, stepped up in the aisle beside our table and began dancing. She twirled around and around, her beautiful hair flowing around her shoulders. She was obviously wearing a new dress, because as she spun around, it billowed out and she admired how it moved with her.

So I looked at my friend and said, “You mean little things of beauty like that?,” nodding at the little girl dancing.

And my friend said, “Yes.”

As you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today, look for beauty.