"Are you steaming?"
Last month I told you a story about my doing an interview with a Detroit area radio station and how the announcers did the weather forecast just before I came on the air. The forecast called for a chance of snow.
The Tigers were playing in the World Series at the time and so I asked one of the announcers if the Tigers were going to win the series in the snow. He said, "The only difference between rain and snow is about one degree." I encouraged you to do a little thing that makes a big difference.
I got a lot of great email about that story. One person wrote and sent me a link to www.212movie.com. It’s a powerful movie that’s similar to the story I told. It depicts how water becomes steam as its temperature moves from 211 degrees to 212. And how that one degree of difference can then power a steam locomotive which pulls heavy loads and so on.
Check out the movie. It’s great! And remind yourself that God calls you to do a little thing, something that makes one degree of difference in someone’s life as you prepare for the new year.