Are you worried about fog?
We look out the bay window in our kitchen, down the hill, and across the horse pastures. It’s really quite a beautiful sight…
…except when the fog rolls in. When the fog rolls in, you can’t see down the hill and across the pastures. That means that you can’t see the horses and make sure that they’re okay. And that’s when it’s easy for us to worry.
Our minds immediately go through a million bad things that could happen to the horses, each one worse than another: a snake could bite one on the nose, one could step in a hole and hurt itself, one could get sick and die because we didn’t call the vet in time, and so the list goes on and on. Of course, so far, none of these things have ever happened to us, with or without the fog. But since we can’t see, we worry.
I suspect you’re that way, also—what you can’t see, like your future, you worry about. And I’ll bet so far in your life few if any of the things you worry about actually happen. So don’t let the fog of the future worry you. Say to yourself: God is in control. And then listen to life and make a life, not just a living.