"Are you making a life or just a living?"
Making a life and making a living are both important. As I speak to business groups and coach business people, I discover that way too many of us make a living to the exclusion of making a life. So how can you tell when you’re just making a living and stopped making a life?
One way you can tell is you email the person who works at the desk next to you, rather than stepping around the petition to speak personally. Another way you can tell is that when you go home, you still answer the phone your business’ name and ask, “How may I help you?”
And you can tell you’re just making a living and stopped making a life when you make phone calls from home, and dial “9” to get an outside line. Another way you can tell is that you've sat at the same desk for four years, worked for three different companies, can name the dates each company took over, but forgot your anniversary this year.
The way to make a life, not just a living is to listen to life, all of life, not just your work life. God’s talking to you. Are you listening?