"Do you have weeds?"
Last month, it was unusually hot in the part of the world where I live. So I decided that early morning was the best time to do some outdoor work like pulling weeds and grass out of our flower beds. The temperature was cooler and the humidity lower…and there were no interruptions at 6:00 a.m.
I also discovered that it was a great time to listen to life and pray and meditate. There’s no one around to want anything from me. I’m outdoors which is my favorite place in the world to be. And I’m doing a rather mindless task—pulling weeds and grass out of my rose beds—or at least I thought it was…until I just asked God to show me how I could grow my spirit that day.
As I pulled the weeds and grass, I realized that there were some rogue habits and attitudes growing in the spiritual bed of my heart; a place where I was to cultivate good character traits could be overrun with the bad and ugly. So as I cleaned out weeds, I cleaned out my spirit.
Cultivate your spirit by rooting out the bad and ugly and growing the good as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.