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Friday, June 24, 2005

"What's your priority?"

A friend and I had lunch together recently. He’s experiencing some changes in his life and so am I so we talked about them. And we talked about how these changes are wonderful opportunities for both of us to live more out of our priorities, or at least the things we say are our priorities. Like having lunch together more often, we decided. So we set another time for lunch, knowing that if we didn’t, something else would grab that time, and that we enjoy each other’s company so much.

Do you ever find yourself conflicted about what you say are your priorities and how you spend your time? Or, your money? Or, your energy? My friend and I found that while we said we loved spending time together at lunch—it was a priority for us—our schedules just didn’t match what we said was our priority. Is that true with you, too?

For instance, you know you want to spend time with God. But do you? There’s always something conflicting with what you say is your priority.

Make time to be with God a priority today and live out of it as you make a life.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

"Want to wash away your stress?"

My wife knows that I do a lot of speaking engagements and seminars about quality of life issues. So she comes home for the grocery store one evening and shows me a bottle of dishwashing liquid. At first I’m thinking, “I must not be helping enough in the kitchen” and my face must have had a rather quizzical look on it, because she said, “Read the label.”

So I did. It read, “Anti-Stress [dishwashing liquid] Aroma Therapy. Anti-Stress is enriched with the essence of Lavendar for a soothing and relaxing scent.”

And so I tell my wife, “Wow! Does that tell you how stressed out we are today or what?” And of course that was her point in showing it to me. I had heard of candles, bath and massage oils, and incense for stress relief through aroma therapy, but dishwashing liquid?

We all get stressed out at some time or other, don’t we? Besides dishwashing liquid, try relaxing a little more into who God creates you to be each day as you make a life and not just a living.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"Do you know how much God loves you?"

It was a cool morning and I had the window open in my home office, writing everyday stories to help you and me listen to life and make a life, not just a living. A bird flew up and perched on the Japanese maple outside of the window and started singing. It was the most beautiful song! Any improv jazz player would have envied this solo. The melody was smooth, and woven into variations.

Well, just then, another bird started singing too. So I had a duet going now. I just closed up my laptop, put it down, closed my eyes, and listened.

Then another bird joined in. And pretty soon another, until there was an ensemble of singers playing for my own private concert. Now I know they didn’t know I was listening, but still it seemed to me like they were playing just for me. I was so happy listening to those birds. Their concert made my day!

You know, God made those birds to sing like that, and God created those birds to sing for our pleasure. So enjoy life today as you make a life, and not just a living.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"Going on vacation?"

Today officially marks the start of summer. Most of us think “vacation” when we think about summer. So, are you going on vacation? Have you made your plans?

How do you get away from work when you go on vacation? Do you take your mobile phone or Blackberry with you, just in case the office “needs” you? Will you check voicemail or email while you’re gone?

Those are the more obvious disrupters of vacating your typical work pattern so you can re-create, remember how to make a life and not just a living; recall that you’re a human being, not a human doing. But what about when you’re walking along the beach and you start running numbers or doing a deal in your mind? Or, when your thoughts turn to some challenge waiting your resolution when you return? These are more covert disrupters of your vacation.

You see, when God re-creates your spirit as a human being during a vacation, you give God the space—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—to transform you. And that’s listening to life and making a life!

Monday, June 20, 2005

"Do you have a cat's life?"

A couple of months ago, in honor of National Humor Month, I shared some letters dogs might write to God. Apparently there are lots of dog lovers around because I received email and comments on our blog. And there must be lots of cat lovers around as well because I received email and comments about giving cats equal time.

So in a spirit of fair play, here are some letters cats might write to God.

“Dear God, when we get to heaven, can we scratch on your couch? Or is it the same ole story?

“Dear God, if a cat yowls his head off in the middle of a forest and no human hears him, does he still get yelled at?

“Dear God, is it true there’s an eternal supply of catnip in heaven? And that fast food is mice on roller skates?

“Dear God, will I hark up hair balls in heaven? If I do, will I still have to make those embarrassing coughing sounds in that funny position?”

Laugh out loud as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.