"What's your priority?"
A friend and I had lunch together recently. He’s experiencing some changes in his life and so am I so we talked about them. And we talked about how these changes are wonderful opportunities for both of us to live more out of our priorities, or at least the things we say are our priorities. Like having lunch together more often, we decided. So we set another time for lunch, knowing that if we didn’t, something else would grab that time, and that we enjoy each other’s company so much.
Do you ever find yourself conflicted about what you say are your priorities and how you spend your time? Or, your money? Or, your energy? My friend and I found that while we said we loved spending time together at lunch—it was a priority for us—our schedules just didn’t match what we said was our priority. Is that true with you, too?
For instance, you know you want to spend time with God. But do you? There’s always something conflicting with what you say is your priority.
Make time to be with God a priority today and live out of it as you make a life.