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Friday, December 14, 2007

"What do you share?"

It’s hard for me to believe, but 16 years ago today, our younger daughter was born. I still remember her birth like it was last week. She arrived three weeks before her due date, so my wife and I were a little nervous during her labor. And when she was born, she was a little blue and it was kind of scary there for a few minutes.

I remember trying to tell my friends and family members about those frightening moments that seemed like days, but nobody wanted to hear it. They’d say, “Is she fine?” and I’d say, “Yes” and they’d ask to see our beautiful blessing. I decided then that hardly anyone wants to hear about the labor, but everyone wants to see the baby.

And that’s true as you listen to life, also. Nobody wants to hear about the hard work you put into a project or how many, difficult long hours you worked on it. They just want to see the outcome.

So today as you listen to life and make a life, remember to share your outcomes, and talk about them as beautiful blessings from God.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Is every day your birthday?"

Last month, my nephew and niece called me on my birthday to wish me "Happy Birthday!" My niece’s birthday is four days before mine and so I enjoy teasing her that she’s older than me since her birthday comes first. She said, "No, I’m only four, and you’re old." Ouch, that hurt…but the fact is that chronologically I am old enough to be her grandfather so what can I say?

Well, even though I’m old, she taught me something that day. I asked her about her birthday party, which was on my birthday. She said she was having a party at her dance studio with all of her friends. They were going to play games and dance and have a good time. And then she said rather nonchalantly, "Like we always do."

That’s when I learned something—You don’t have to wait until a special occasion to celebrate. Every day can be like a birthday when you’re with your friends, having fun, and playing games.

After all, God gave us life to enjoy, right? When you start stressing out today because of the holiday rush, take a minute and pretend it’s your birthday and make a life, not just a living, okay?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"What do you take for granted?"

Last month, our family took a couple of our horses to a fall festival to help a group raise money to put a new roof on their facility. Moms and Dads gave a donation and in exchange their child got to ride on one of our horses.

Of course we led the horses around in a large circle so basically the children just sat on the horse. We ride Western saddle so most of the kids had a death-grip on the horn while we walked. They just weren’t accustomed to riding.

I watched every single one of those children. As we put them up on the horse, their eyes grew really large, and wide open. Then just as soon as they were seated, every single one of them started smiling and their eyes lit up.

As I walked them around, I thought to myself, "Our family can ride these horses any day of the week we choose. These kids can’t. I guess we take riding a horse for granted."

What do you take for granted? What is there that you do or can do that others can’t but want to? Thank God today for that activity—large or small—as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Monday, December 10, 2007

"Are you praying?"

A friend shared with me her desire to change jobs—same career, just a different job. She was particularly interested in receiving better benefits, especially medical insurance, so that her husband could retire. In fact, her husband’s ability to retire was her motivation in changing jobs. She wasn’t dissatisfied in her current employment. So I joined her in praying for this job change, and the benefits package in particular.

Well, it wasn’t too long before I received an email telling me that she had accepted a new job. This job had the benefits she wanted, including medical insurance. And she received an increase in salary. And she would be setting up a home office, eliminating her commute.

Sometimes when you pray, you may wonder if God’s even listening. But other times when you pray, God over-delivers as in my friend’s situation. It’s almost too good to be true. It’s almost a "be-careful-what-you-pray-for" experience.

God listens to life with you. And the God who created the cosmos will take care of you as you make a life, not just a living.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

"Are you purring?"

I sat, relaxing with the newspaper, enjoying some quiet time. All of a sudden, a bird starts making all kinds of noises just outside the window. Well, at first, I ignore it, but it keeps on. So finally, I get up to investigate.

And as I step out on the porch, I see the bird—it’s a baby mockingbird—perched in a Japanese maple, squawking at Maybelle, our cat, who’s sitting on the porch, staring off across the horse pasture. And the bird who bothered me, doesn’t seem to bother Maybelle at all. She sees me and saunters over, rubs herself against my legs, letting me know that I have permission to pet her. And so I do for a couple of minutes while she purrs. All the while, this baby bird is still screaming at us. But Maybelle just doesn’t mind.

There is always someone or something squawking at you in life, isn’t there? And during the holidays, it seems like there are more squawkers than normal, doesn’t it? It appears that everyone wants everything from you.

Like Maybelle, don’t get upset. Just ignore it, let God pet you, and purr as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.