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Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Do you see yourself as successful?"

Michael Jordan scores 41 points in a game and says, "I was just feeling it tonight. The basket was huge."

Tiger Woods wins yet another PGA tournament and says, "I had my A-game this week. It was like putting into a bucket today."

My nephew Dan Uggla sets a single-season home run record for rookie second baseman and says, "It was like swinging at a grapefruit up there."

What do all three of these athletes have in common? Success.

How did they get to their current level of performance? Success.

You see success brings more success. That is, you succeed in a small way, in a little thing, and that builds your confidence. You begin to see yourself as successful because you celebrate the small wins. The small wins build and build until pretty soon, you are successful.

And that’s how you accomplish your New Year’s resolution. Celebrate one pound lost or one hour at the gym or one bill paid in full. See yourself as God sees you—as a successful person who listens to life! And celebrate as you make a life!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Do you persevere?"

We moved to the Appalachian mountains when our younger daughter was less than a year old. So she spent her preschool years hiking up and down mountains with us. When she was small I would carry her, but when she was around two years old, I decided that it was time for her to hike. So she did for a while…

…until she would get tired. "Help me, Daddy," she’d say with her arms outstretched. At first, I always picked her up and carried her for a while. But as she got older, I started telling her, "Just keep walking for a little while longer, honey, and you’ll feel better in a few minutes." So she would and in a few minutes she’d say, "I feel better, Daddy." Our daughter wanted to quit, but persevered long enough to get her second wind. Today she runs cross country and still perseveres.

If you want to reach your New Year’s goals, you’ve got to stick to it when you feel like quitting. Sure, you’ll get tired, maybe even worn out, but to reach your goals, persevere until you get your second wind as you listen to life and make a life!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"Got a winning attitude?"

I saw an interview with golfing legend Jack Nicklaus. He was discussing his pre-shot routine. He said that before he hit the ball or even took a practice swing, in his mind’s eye he saw the ball landing exactly where he wanted it to go. He imagined the ball’s path to the cup or the landing spot in the fairway. Then he took his practice swing, again seeing the ball go where he wanted it. Only then did he actually hit the ball.

Nicklaus’ visioning process before each shot developed within him a winning attitude. He started expecting to see the ball go where he wanted to hit it, believed that he could do it time after time, and so he did.

How are you doing in keeping your New Year’s resolution? If you’re doing well, I’ll bet you see yourself—with a winning attitude. You imagine that you’ll accomplish your goal.

You can do what Jack Nicklaus did and it’s virtually a spiritual exercise. You can reach your New Year’s goals with God’s help to envision a winning you. Just ask God to let you see yourself as a winner as you listen to life today!

Monday, January 28, 2008

"Got a partner?"

How do you try to make your New Year’s resolution happen? Do you tough it out on your own, using sheer will power and strength? And how far does that get you? Yea, I know, about that far.

When I made a New Year’s resolution a few years ago to start exercising regularly, I did pretty well at first, going often and really enjoying the time and feeling better. After a while though I noticed my enthusiasm waning. I had more excuses not to go and I let them get in the way of my going.

I knew I needed a partner—someone to hold me accountable, to ask when were we going to the gym, to look forward to being with. Our younger daughter became my partner, when she’s not at track practice. We had a great time together encouraging each other. She helped me push away from my desk to get up and go.

We all need a partner to help us reach our goals. Who’s your partner? Ask God to send someone to you who will motivate you, encourage you, and listen to life with you as you make a life, not just a living today.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

"Got goals?"

When NASA took on the challenge of putting a person on the moon, they started by setting goals. Instead of starting with "now" and working forward, they started with "then"—the day they wanted to land on the moon, July 20, 1969, when the earth and moon were closest. They planned backwards from that date, i.e., where do we need to be on July 19, July 18, and so on making a detailed plan. They set goals backwards, knowing when they wanted Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon, and what it would take each week to get him there.

A lot of us try to set New Year’s resolution goal forwards, like, I want to lose 40 pounds, without knowing by when. We try for a little while to lose weight, realize we can’t lose all 40 in a month, and give up.

Set a realistic goal—like losing 40 pounds—and a target date, like June 30th. That way, you can plan on losing an average of 1.5 pounds a week and that’s doable!

Life isn’t so overwhelming when you take the long view—from God’s perspective—as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.