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Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Do you tell stories?"

The most common question I get from emails and as I do speaking engagements is: “How do you come up with all of those stories?” And that’s a great question. I write and record about 260 stories a year.

I guess there are two short answers: One is I listen to my life and just share what happens. And the second, based on the first, is I don’t do anything—writing stories, or anything else—in life alone. I ask God to be with me everywhere I go in everything I do.

I’ve noticed that sharing stories as I listen to life sets off a chain reaction of story-telling about what God does in other people’s lives. Folks share their stories with me on my blog at drjoey.blogspot.com and through our website at listentolife.org. Then I get to share their stories—with their permission, of course—with others around the world.

Ask God to go with you everywhere you go. Then express yourself about what God shows you. Tell your stories to anybody who will listen. And that’s one way you can listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"Do you validate God's love?"

What if you made a deposit at your bank, then got your monthly statement, and saw that they had not credited you for it? Would you call the bank and talk with a manager?

What if you made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, started going to the fitness center three times a week and changed your eating habits and got on the scales this morning and discovered that you had not lost a single pound? Would you get the scales checked?

What if you are driving down the road, a warning light started its orange glow letting you know you needed gas, so you stopped at a convenient store and filled up your vehicle with gas? And then you get two miles down the road, and it started glowing again and your needle was on empty? Would you stop by the garage and get your gauge checked?

You expect your bank, your scales, and your fuel gauge to validate your action. God deposits and works out and refuels divine love in you daily. Validate that love by showing it to others as you make a life and not just a living.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"Do you pass it on?"

A friend recently invited me to his bookstore to meet another author who was doing a reading. I arrived a little late, and the room was pretty full. I looked for a seat, feeling a little awkward. Just then, I spotted my friend, who waved me over to a seat beside of him.

This same author invited me to attend a lecture he was giving a few days later with the hope that we could eat lunch afterwards. “My schedule is full,” I told him, “and I’ll get there a little late, but I’ll be present.” Well, I made it and the auditorium was pretty full. I didn’t want to cross in front as he spoke, so I went up the sidesteps. This time, no one slid over or motioned for me to join them in the few vacant seats. I went all the way up to the top of the room where I found some stacked chairs and sat down. Pretty soon, other people entered, had the same experience I did, but remembering my first experience, I got up, took down a chair for them, waved them up, and pretty soon there were six of us.

The next time someone does something nice for you, pass it on.

Monday, February 13, 2006

"How would we celebrate your national holiday?"

Once there was a bishop in the church named Valentine. Valentine was known far and wide for showing love to others. It was illegal for him to proclaim his belief in a loving God, but Valentine did so publicly. His loving actions landed him in jail on charges of treason to the government.

But he shared God’s love with his jailer who started believing in God. He even fell in love with the jailer’s daughter. He sent her cards with clovers made into hearts which read, “From Your Valentine.”

The legend of Valentine’s displays of God’s love only spread more after his death. So much that he was made a saint and a day was declared for us all are to share God’s love—St. Valentine’s Day.

Share God’s love with others today, not just your family, but people you don’t even know. As you pass them in the hall at work or on the street, say, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” And as you do, do so as if today were named after you.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

"How well do you listen to someone you love?"

My wife and I were in the kitchen together recently. She was rinsing dishes at the sink to put into the dishwasher. I was clearing the table at the other end of the room, and talking to her with my back to her.

Well, while I’m talking, the exhaust fan is on over the stove. One of our yellow Labrador retrievers is batting around a purple ball that makes weird, squeaky noises. And remember—the water is running in the sink. And I’m just talking away with my back to my wife.

All of a sudden, she says, “Wait a minute, honey. I can’t understand what you’re saying.” And she cuts the water off, turns off the exhaust fan over the stove, reaches down and picks up the Lab’s ball, and tells her to sit and stay. Then she says, “Now turn around and tell me your story again.”

I realized how much she loves me when she did that and how well she listens to me. Do you listen to someone you love that well?

Nothing says “I love you!” like listening carefully to your loved one. The same way God listens to you.