"Do you remember that Joe South song, “Walk a Mile in My Shoes?”"
Two flight attendants were worn out. They had worked four full days of caring for winter vacationers flying from New York to Florida. They were due some time off.
So they stood in the plane’s doorway looking tired as the last load of passengers left. A perky passenger looked at the two young women and said, "Smile!"
One of the tired flight attendants replied, "OK, you smile" which the man did.
And then she said, "Now hold it for twelve hours."
It’s all a matter of perspective, isn’t it? Joe South was right when he sang, "Before you judge, criticize, and accuse; walk a mile in my shoes."
You will probably run into somebody today who is tired or discouraged or just run over by life. Don’t tell him or her to "Smile." That person may not have a smile left.
Instead, give that person one of your smiles. God’s love goes with your smile as you do because you’re listening to your life and making a life, not just a living.