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Thursday, December 15, 2005

"Who waits on you?"

‘Tis the season, isn’t it? ‘Tis the season to shop for the perfect gift, to crowd the shopping centers and superstores and malls in pursuit of the prize—a personal, just-right gift for someone special.

Well, as you’re pushing and perusing and pursuing, look up and see the person you’re paying. That person is most likely working a lot of long hours right now, standing on her feet day after day, trying to help you and thousands of others find the perfect gift. He’s probably been moving boxes of merchandise and unloading trucks until late at night.

If she owns the store, she’s praying that she’ll do well this season, knowing that she needs to do up to 50% or more of her annual business in about eight weeks. And he’s still expected to have season’s greetings for every customer. That’s a lot of pressure for anybody to be under.

So as you shop, look up and see the person you’re paying as a person, someone like you who’s doing the best she can to listen to life and make a life and a living…and smile and wish him a happy holiday.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"Who are you?"

Nearly all of the trees on our farm had dropped their leaves by last month except for one maple tree. This one maple tree held on to its leaves like a kid hanging on to his blanket when mom says it has to be washed. And finally it started letting go of its leaves.

The woods were a dark grayish, brown color. The rest of the trees looked like sticks. But this last maple tree put on a show of color like few I’ve ever seen. It’s green leaves turned yellow, then orange, then red against the dark backdrop of the woods. It was absolutely a marvel to watch daily.

Now I know a botanist would tell me that the maple tree’s combination of rainfall and nutrients and sunlight determined its leaf dropping. But it seemed like that tree has a uniqueness about it that perseveres in the face of Mother Nature.

Be like this maple tree. Don’t blindly follow the crowd. Be unique. Out of 6.5 billion people here, there’s only one you. Be the best you possible, with all of your brilliant colors. That’s the way to make a life with God and not just a living!

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"Do you make a fist?"

A friend who listens to life with us through www.listentolife.org recently shared her story. In 1981 she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, but she didn’t just give up.

Now the disease is virtually in remission and she’s no longer in a wheelchair. How did she do it? She says, “With my five F’s.” She uses her fist to remind herself of them. She starts with her thumb which stands for Faith in God. Her index finger represents Fight, never giving up. Then next is Family and beside that is Friends, the two groups of people who love and pray for her constantly, always supporting her. And finally, her pinky finger stands for Fun, that ability to laugh and enjoy even when all seems hopeless.

And she says, when the going gets tough, she makes a Fist, with her thumb of Faith securely covering her Fight, Family, Friends, and Fun, reminding her that she constantly is under God’s providential care.

When your going gets tough today, make a Fist and shake it at your obstacles as you listen to life and make a life today.

Monday, December 12, 2005

"What’s your choice—passion or misery?"

I walk into lots of new places, most of them businesses, and have discovered that I get lots of different receptions. The receptions run from “Hi! How may I help you?” to “Yea? Whadda you want?”

You’ve gotten those same receptions. You can tell almost immediately who’s passionate about what he’s doing and who’s not, who’s doing a great job because she loves what she does and who she is and who’s just miserable.

So what creates the difference between “How may I help you?” and “Whadda you want?” It’s the personal choice to make a life and a living or to just make a living. If you make a life and a living, you listen to life for opportunities to invest yourself in others’ well-being, knowing that’s the path to spiritual and financial success. If you just make a living, others merely interrupt your pursuit of money.

So what’s your choice? God gives us one another to help along the way so choose your passion, not misery as you listen to life today and make a life, not just a living.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

"Are you purring your way through life?"

I sat, relaxing with the newspaper, enjoying some quiet time. All of a sudden, a bird starts making all kinds of noises just outside the window. Well, at first, I ignore it, but it keeps on. So finally, I get up to investigate.

And as I step out on the porch, I see the bird—it’s a baby mockingbird—perched in a Japanese maple, squawking at Maybelle, our cat, who’s sitting on the porch, staring off across the horse pasture. And the bird who bothered me, doesn’t seem to bother Maybelle at all. She sees me and saunters over, rubs herself against my legs, letting me know that I have permission to pet her. And so I do for a couple of minutes while she purrs. All the while, this baby bird is still screaming at us. But Maybelle just doesn’t mind.

There is always someone or something squawking at you in life, isn’t there? Like Maybelle, don’t get upset. Just ignore it, let God pet you, and purr as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.