"As you’re doing down your life’s highway, how’s the road?"
I’m driving down an interstate, on my way to a speaking engagement with a group. I’m cruising along, going the speed limit—of course—my radio’s going, playing a great song, the road is smooth, traffic is rather light, and I’m making good time.
All of a sudden, my car starts bumping along the road. Naturally I get rather concerned, thinking maybe a tire is going out on me or something worse is happening to my car. The problem doesn’t get any worse, but is still pretty persistent. Then I think, “Hey, maybe the problem isn’t with my car. Maybe it’s the pavement.” So I check my mirrors and change lanes over to the left side.
And guess what? It was like magic! I’m going down the road smooth again. So I stayed in the left lane for a while until some faster traffic approached, then eased back over to the right lane where the pavement was okay now.
As you’re going down your life’s road, you’ll run into some rough places, some bumpy stretches. Just change something you’re doing—like lanes—to a smoother way God leads you to. And listen to life as you do.