"Do you practice conversation generosity"
Have you ever noticed how some people do all the talking? And that they’re usually the ones just making a living?
And how other people are really good listeners? And that they’re more often the ones making a life and a living?
I was in a room recently in which a man took all the air out of the room by talking only about himself. I watched while other people tried to be polite and listen, or gently change the subject to include others in the conversation, but to no avail. They changed their body language to move away from the person and some just left the room.
I was in another room recently in which one person deftly engaged each of the others in the conversation, showing interests in their interests, asking about their families, and so on. I watched as people moved closer together. This room was filled with what I call conversation generosity.
The loving thing to do with others is to be generous in your conversation. So love others enough to listen as you listen to life and make a life this weekend.