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Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Do you practice conversation generosity"

Have you ever noticed how some people do all the talking? And that they’re usually the ones just making a living?

And how other people are really good listeners? And that they’re more often the ones making a life and a living?

I was in a room recently in which a man took all the air out of the room by talking only about himself. I watched while other people tried to be polite and listen, or gently change the subject to include others in the conversation, but to no avail. They changed their body language to move away from the person and some just left the room.

I was in another room recently in which one person deftly engaged each of the others in the conversation, showing interests in their interests, asking about their families, and so on. I watched as people moved closer together. This room was filled with what I call conversation generosity.

The loving thing to do with others is to be generous in your conversation. So love others enough to listen as you listen to life and make a life this weekend.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"What is the soil of your mind growing?"

I was working out in the yard around our home, digging in the dirt; getting some things ready for spring planting and digging up some plants I didn’t want growing, like poison ivy. It was growing beside a maple tree that I really like.

So I stood there, thinking about the fact that poison ivy and a maple tree can grow in the same soil. I guess that’s because the soil really doesn’t care what’s planted in it—a maple tree or poison ivy. The soil nourishes and grows whatever it receives.

You know, your mind is like that, too. You can choose to plant poison ivy—negative thoughts like worry and frustration. Or, you can choose to plant maple trees—positive thoughts like wonder and fascination. Your mind nourishes and grows whatever it receives.

I dug up the poison ivy, clearing the way for the maple tree to receive more nourishment. Uproot the negative thoughts from your mind today, and clear the way for love to receive more nourishment as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"How would we celebrate your national holiday?"

Once there was a bishop in the church named Valentine. Valentine was known far and wide for showing love to others. It was illegal for him to proclaim his belief in a loving God, but Valentine did so publicly. His loving actions landed him in jail on charges of treason to the government.

But he shared God’s love with his jailer who started believing in God. He even fell in love with the jailer’s daughter. He sent her cards with clovers made into hearts which read, "From Your Valentine."

The legend of Valentine’s displays of God’s love only spread more after his death. So much that he was made a saint and a day was declared for us all are to share God’s love—St. Valentine’s Day.

Share God’s love with others today, not just your family, but people you don’t even know. As you pass them in the hall at work or on the street, say, "Happy Valentine’s Day!" And as you do, do so as if today were named after you.

Monday, February 12, 2007

"Do you listen carefully and respond accordingly?"

A woman went into a furniture store to buy a coffee table. She told the associate that she wanted a square one.

"You’ve come to the right place," he said, and showed her a selection of round coffee tables.

"They’re nice," the woman said, "but I’m looking for a square one."

"Oh yes," the associate said and took her to another section of the store where he showed another round coffee table.

"I want a square one," the woman said.

"I guess we don’t have any in stock," he said. "But let me get your address and I’ll send you some pictures of what we can order."

So he did and sent her, you guessed it, pictures of round coffee tables.

How well do you listen? And act on what you hear?

Nothing says "I love you" like listening carefully and responding accordingly.

Today show someone God’s love by listening carefully and responding accordingly as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

"How does your love grow?"

I was walking along the fence line to one of our horse pastures last December. I cruise them occasionally to insure they’re okay and also to make sure nothing’s growing up around them that needs cutting.

So I’m walking along and everything’s fine. Posts and boards are in place and nothing is growing up around them. And then I see it—a lone daisy growing under the fence line.

Now remember, it’s December, not exactly daisy weather. That daisy shouldn’t be growing according to conventional thinking. But I guess somebody forgot to tell the daisy. It displayed its vibrant yellow for anyone to see, virtually glowing against the drab winter background.

Love is like that. It glows brilliantly against the sometimes drab and cold world we live in. And this week you celebrate love that glows, a love that grows in your relationships where it shouldn’t, against the conventional thinking that says only love those people like you.

Love others the way God loves you as you listen to life and make a life.