"Is tomorrow special for you?"
Tomorrow is a really special day for me, but not just for me, but for my whole family…and by family I mean more than just my wife and daughters. I’m talking about my brother, his wife, and two children; my mother’s brothers and sisters, my dad’s sister, all of our cousins near, and far, and wide. Tomorrow is a very significant day because we celebrate my mom and dad’s 50th wedding anniversary.
Just think about all of the repercussions if my parents had not married—my brother and I wouldn’t be here today, but more importantly to our parents, their four grandchildren wouldn’t be here. Our wives would be married to someone else. Someone else would have bought our homes. Someone else would have to fulfill our work responsibilities. Someone else would have bought our vehicles and given to our favorite charities.
Out of about 6.5 billion people on the planet, God brought our parents together to marry and by grace has kept them together for 50 years. Is God good or what?! Thank you God! Thank you Mom and Dad for 50 years!
(Go to www.StayMarriedForever.org and discover how you can celebrate 50 years and beyond…)