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Thursday, November 22, 2007

"How do you stop when you shop?"

Today is the busiest shopping day of the year in America. Millions of people are crowding malls and centers right now. Some of them got up earlier than they do when they go to work!

It’s easy to start shopping, but how do you stop when you shop? Like when you’re shopping for clothes? You know you can’t just get a new pair of dress slacks. Suddenly you need a new belt or pair of suspenders. Next it’s a new pair of socks to match that unusual shade. And you can always use a couple of new ties, right?

Or, that new blouse begs for a new skirt. And of course, the color of that new skirt just doesn’t match any of your shoes so you simply must have those designer pumps. And you can always use a new pair of hose, right?

You know the best thing about God is that you don’t have to shop for God. When you find God, you can simply stop right there without adding on a bunch of accessories. Because when you find God, you’re satisfied. So find God and be satisfied as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Today is Thanksgiving. Are you counting your blessings?"

A pastor was on a mission trip leading worship at a leper colony on the island of Tobago. There was time for one more song, so he asked if anyone had a request. A woman who had been facing away from the pulpit turned around to make her request.

She had the most hideous face you can imagine. The woman's nose and ears were completely gone due to the leprosy. Despite all of this personal devastation, she lifted a fingerless hand in the air and asked, "Can we sing Count Your Many Blessings?"

Today when you feel stressed out or burned out or cast out and don’t think that you can face one more minute of a hopeless, despairing, end-of-your-rope day, think about this woman who despite her personal devastation chose to count her many blessings. Remember her example, take one step away from your self-pity, lift your fingers, and count one blessing God gave you no matter how small it is. Then listen to your life and give thanks for who you are and all you have as you make a life, not just a living.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"How is God like a dog?"

One of our yellow Labrador retrievers, Princess, follows me around each morning when I first get up. My wife goes outside to feed the other yellow Labs and the horses so I’m the only one up at that time. Princess sleeps with our younger daughter so she hasn’t been with me all night.

She’s right there with me everywhere I go. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing. She stands beside me when If I’m pouring a cup of coffee (from Friends of Barnabas at www.fobf.org) or fixing my breakfast. She sits at my feet when I’m in the recliner reading, praying, and meditating. She lies down just outside of the bathroom, waiting for me to come out. Of course, I talk to her and rub her head and let her know I love her. After all, she thinks she’s a person and I’m not about to tell her any different.

This morning as she followed me everywhere I went, I thought about how God and Princess are a lot alike. Both go with me wherever I go. Both really want to be with me. Both are there to love me. Today I’m very grateful that my dog and my God love me that much. What about you?

Monday, November 19, 2007

"What are you grateful for?"

I was speaking to a group about "How to Have an Attitude of Gratitude" as you listen to life. We started off by my asking, "Think of something very specific that you’re grateful for this very moment. And when you’re ready to share it, you may stand up and do so."

We went around the group sharing and most of the responses were predictable—things like my family, my job, my home. But then an elderly man stood up. (I don’t know how old he was, but you know "elderly" means someone at least 10 years older than you.) He straightened up slowly as he stood and with bright, gleaming dark eyes, threw back his shoulders and said, "Dr. Joey, I’m grateful that I could walk into this room today and didn’t need a walker or a wheelchair. I was in the hospital recently and had to use both. Now I don’t. And so I’m very grateful for that."

Do you take it for granted that you are where you are right now and didn’t need a walker or wheelchair to get there? I know I do sometimes, but not since that elderly man reminded me of God’s blessings as I make a life and not just a living.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

"What are you glad to have today?"

A friend recently helped host a Children’s Choir from Africa. She brought the children some fruit and bottled water to welcome them after their trip. The kids really weren’t interested in it and instead started playing soccer.

It was a warm evening and the children were sweating what with all of the running and playing. Their chaperone gathered them from the playground to go with their host families. My friend pointed out the fruit and water and the children took it with them as they left.

Now my friend was really concerned that the water, which had been in a cooler but in her hot van all day, wasn’t cool enough for the kids to enjoy. Well, she came back the next evening to help a meal and discovered some of the children still carrying their bottles of water, unopened. In fact, some of the children didn’t drink their water until the next night—two nights after they received it.

My friend says this was a big reality check for her—she was worried the water wasn’t cool. The kids were just glad to have a bottle of water.

What are you glad to have today?