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Friday, August 05, 2005

"Is your life in perspective?"

Some guys were over at our farm, doing some renovation work on my office and studio. We were standing by the back porch, talking about nothing special. All of a sudden, one of the guys ducked like something was after him, and said, “What was that?”

Well just then I noticed that he was standing close to the hummingbird feeder that hangs over the back porch. And I saw a hummingbird buzz away, obviously trying to feed, but scared off because of my friend’s presence.

So I said, laughing, “It was just a hummingbird.”

“Well,” he said, “it sure sounded bigger than that. I thought it was gonna take my head off!”

You know, life is like that sometimes. A problem flies up in your face. You don’t see it coming. You only feel some of its effects. And suddenly it seems huge, like it’s going to ruin your life when in fact, it’s not. It can’t…unless you let it. Listen to your life today for what God has to say about keeping life in perspective and make a life, not just a living.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

"Is it a zero-gravity world?"

I can remember as a kid, watching astronauts on television and wondering what it would be like to float around in zero gravity. For instance, just how do you get the toothpaste to stay on your brush? Did you know engineers had to redesign the pen so that it didn't depend on gravity to deliver ink to the tip? And do you remember Tang sipped through straws?

As a part of their pre-mission training in a zero gravity environment, astronauts relearned both how to practice their professional skills and basic, mundane chores we all do every day. The world of zero gravity is a place where nothing can be taken for granted.

Life today may seem like a zero gravity world to you. But remember this one thing that keeps your feet on the ground and life sure: God holds on to you in all the times of your life so you won’t drift away. God is with you and is your spiritual gravity. So listen to life and make a life, not just a living, with God’s help today.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

"Are you patient?"

You're standing in the express line at the grocery store and the person in front of you has eleven items in the basket. You know because you counted them. And the sign clearly reads, “Express Lane: 10 Items or Less.”

So you decide to do something about it. You tell her that lane 2 is for shoppers with more than ten items. And she just looks at you like, “So what?” or “Who cares?” and turns back around, waiting in line.

And then she pulls out her checkbook and starts writing a dreaded check; dreaded because you know what’s coming next. The check needs the manager's authorization. So the manager is paged. And you wait and wait for him to show up. Finally you decide he must have left the building and then he shows up and approves the check. The person in front of you picks up her groceries, smiles at you, and says, “Goodbye.” And what do you say?

Patience as a theory is great. Patience as a practice is hard.

The more you listen to life today for what God has to say, the more patience you receive. So listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"What day is it for you?"

A friend who’s about my age has a little boy around three years old. The little guy is my friend’s only child so you know he’s the apple of his Daddy’s eye.

Recently my friend was telling me about his son’s need to know what was happening next, for example, “Daddy, what are we going to do?” And invariably my friend would mention some fun event coming up, like going to the park or for a ride in a classic Mustang or something like that, but being only three years old, the little fellow couldn’t understand why they couldn’t go have fun on that day. And his dad would say, “Tomorrow, son.”

This conversation continued until one morning the little boy woke up, looked at his dad and said, “It’s tomorrow, Daddy!”

What day is it for you? Is it tomorrow with you like it was for him? You bet it is! Which means God is ready to have some fun with you. So listen to life today and tomorrow for what God has to say and have some fun as you make a life!

Monday, August 01, 2005

"What's your life passion?"

A friend and I were eating together in one of our favorite restaurants. It’s near his office so its convenient for him, and we both love the food there. The food reminds me of my grandmother’s cooking. Not only is the food really good, but we know the ladies who run it and always enjoy seeing them.

Well, on this day, we were both complementing the lady waiting on us, telling her how good the food was and how much we enjoyed being there. She cooks and waits tables. And she said, “Well, I’ll tell you what: I may go broke one day, but I’ll never be hungry.” We all laughed together and told her, “I believe you!”

So many of us fear going broke, focusing most if not all of our waking hours on just making a living. But while making a living is a good thing and necessary, there are some things that are more important—like finding your passion and doing it as a part of making a life. That’s obviously what this lady has done and she’s loving it. And you can, too! Listen to life and make a life today!