"Is your life in perspective?"
Some guys were over at our farm, doing some renovation work on my office and studio. We were standing by the back porch, talking about nothing special. All of a sudden, one of the guys ducked like something was after him, and said, “What was that?”
Well just then I noticed that he was standing close to the hummingbird feeder that hangs over the back porch. And I saw a hummingbird buzz away, obviously trying to feed, but scared off because of my friend’s presence.
So I said, laughing, “It was just a hummingbird.”
“Well,” he said, “it sure sounded bigger than that. I thought it was gonna take my head off!”
You know, life is like that sometimes. A problem flies up in your face. You don’t see it coming. You only feel some of its effects. And suddenly it seems huge, like it’s going to ruin your life when in fact, it’s not. It can’t…unless you let it. Listen to your life today for what God has to say about keeping life in perspective and make a life, not just a living.