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Thursday, September 28, 2006

"Are you a human being?"

I’m amazed by how technology has radically changed the way you and I do life anymore. Think about it:

Have you played solitaire with real cards in years?

Do you have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach the 3 other people in your family?

Have you entered your password on the microwave lately?

Do you pull up in your driveway and use your mobile phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries?

Have you ever used as your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family that they don’t have email addresses?

Do you notice that every TV commercial has a web site at the bottom of the screen?

Have you emailed the person who works in the office next to you?

Listen to your life and make a life, not just a living and remember: God created you a human being, not a human doing.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

"How's the weather?"

The weather is the most talked about and least acted upon subject we have. For instance, where I live, July and August were really hot and dry. And that’s what everyone started their conversations about. In fact, I heard that it was so hot that the trees were whistling for dogs. And that hot water was coming out of both taps in most homes. And that you could make sun tea instantly. And that you can get sunburned through your car window.

That it was so hot this summer that all you had to do was pull a potato out of the ground and add butter, salt, and pepper because it baked underground. And that you could break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 in the morning. And that one day, the temperature dropped below 95 and people started shivering.

Well, maybe it wasn’t that hot. But unless you live in a dome and control the thermostat, the weather isn’t always going to be perfect. Just like the world isn’t perfect, either. So just laugh and make the best of it…with God’s help as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"Who's watching you?"

I coach a lot of people in discovering their preferred way of making a life, not just a living. One woman I coach is single and sometimes we talk about her desire to marry again.

I asked her what kind of man she’d like to marry, because if you don’t know what you want, odds are you won’t get it, right? She paused for a moment and said, “The other day at the mall, I saw a man get out of his car, walk around to the passenger side, and open the door for his wife to get out. He then shut and locked the door and they walked into the mall, hand-in-hand. I want to marry a man, well, not so much one who opens car doors, but one who is that considerate of me, cares that much for me.”

Now do you think that man had any idea this woman was watching him? Of course not. He was just doing his thing, being considerate and caring of his wife.

Take advantage of the opportunities God gives you today to be considerate and caring. You never know who’s watching!

Monday, September 25, 2006

"What kind of clock do you like best?"

So what kind of clock do you have? Is it a digital clock, the kind where you can watch the seconds rush by? The computer program I use to record my radio show has a clock on it that goes down to the thousandth of a second. Talk about time flying! On that clock it really moves on.

Or maybe you have a non-digital clock, the kind with a sweeping second hand. It marks the passing of time in a more fluid, but nonetheless fast manner. After all, time stops for no one, right?

My favorite kind of clock is an hour glass. Some of them are true hour glasses and are rather large. Others are smaller and mark just ten minutes or so, but they function the same: grains of sand, or something like it, drop down from one side of the glass to the other. The grains drop one at a time.

And that’s all you really have when it comes to time, isn’t it? One second. One moment. One hour. One day at a time.

That’s why I really like hour glasses. They remind me to make the most of my life as I listen for God and make a life one moment at a time.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

"How can you help?"

Politics is a dog-eat-dog world and nowhere is that more true than in Alaska’s gubernatorial race this year. Current governor Frank Murkowski is joined by fellow Republicans Sarah Palin and state senator John Binkley in that party’s primary. Former governor Tony Knowles is the lone Democratic nominee…unless you count the write-in candidacy of Brinkley.

That’s right, this candidate is known by just one name, Brinkley. He’s a two-year-old golden retriever owned by Ruth Sisk. Ruth has sold more than $4,000 worth of T-shirts that read “Brinkley for Governor” with this adorable dog’s smiling face on it. All of the proceeds go to the American SPCA. Brinkley’s run for the Governor’s Mansion even made Dave Letterman’s Top 10 list!

Now I’ve heard of some unique ways of raising funds for a great cause, but this one stands out. Go to our website at www.listentolife.org for more details.

What creative idea is God sending you to help out a great cause?