"As you look around your life, what do you see—the beauty or the beast?"
Some friends came over to our farm for the first time. The weather was warm enough so that my roses were still blooming. As we walked around, one of our friends said, “Your roses are so beautiful! They are gorgeous. I wish I could grow roses.”
And I realized that to someone who doesn’t grow roses, they really were beautiful. But you see, when I looked at them, I saw the black spot fungus growing on the leaves, turning them yellow, and making them drop off. When I looked at them, I saw the stunted growth of the canes, stunted because of the drought going on at the time. When I looked at them, I saw what was wrong with the rose bushes, looking right past the beautiful blooms.
You know, you can do the same thing with life. You can look at the beautiful experiences blossoming all around you. Or, you can look at all the things going wrong with your life. It’s your choice. It’s your life. You can see what you want. Choose to see the beautiful as you listen to life today for what God has to say and make a life, not just a living.