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Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Is today one of those days when you just don’t get it?"

Do you ever just not get it? Yea, me, too. Sometimes I just miss the point completely. But I’m pretty sure I’m not quite as dense as some students who took the SAT a couple of years ago. Now don’t laugh too hard at their answers because one of them may be president one day.

Q: Name the four (4) seasons.
A: Salt, Pepper, Mustard and Vinegar.

Q: Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink.
A: Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes largepollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists.

Q: How is dew formed?
A: The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.

Q: What is the Fibula?
A: A small lie.

Q: What is a "Terminal Illness?"
A: When you are sick at the airport.

Now I don’t know whether these are real answers or not, but either way, the next time you just don’t get it, laugh at yourself. And enjoy your life God gives you as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Have you ever done something wrong…and not known it until later?"

Recently I was on my tractor at our farm, cutting the weeds in the horse pasture. I was cutting as close to our five-strand electric fence as I could to get the weeds off of the fence. It was really hot, and I took off my hat and wiped my head and forehead, and all the while kept driving the tractor. As I wiped my forehead, I drove the tractor a little too close to the electric fence.

I snagged one of the strands and didn’t know it. I turned the tractor and noticed that it wasn’t moving as easily. So I looked back, and saw that I had not only snagged the wire, but pulled it so hard that it popped at the corner post. And I didn’t even know it. All I could do was call the fence guy to come and repair it.

Have you ever done something wrong…and not known it until later? If you’re like me, I felt pretty stupid about it. But when I called the fence guy, his wife said to me, "Well Joey, you’re certainly not the first person to do that."

I felt better when she said that and thought about God’s grace. She helped me remember that with God, mistakes aren’t fatal.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"When were the good ole days?"

Will Rogers once said, "Things aren’t the way they used to be, and probably never were." I know I remember some things much better they were at the time.

So, when were the good ole days?

My late Grandfather Faucette was born in1901. In his good ole days, the average life expectancy was 47 years. Only 14% of U.S. homes had a bathtub. Only 8% of the homes had a telephone and a 3-minute call from Denver to New York cost $11. Most women washed their hair only once a month used borax or egg yolks for shampoo. There was no Mother’s or Father’s Day. The American flag had 45 stars. And only 6% of all Americans graduated from high school.

It seems to me that the good ole days are any day when you experience God’s love with people you love. Experience God’s love as you listen to life today and make a life, not just a living.

Monday, September 08, 2008

"I don’t know about you, but I don’t always get it right, do you?"

A group toured the Holy Land. In this group was Angie. Every day, the group had to wait on Angie. And she never ate or talked with anyone. The group got impatient with Angie and talked about her behind her back.

Well, on the final day of the tour, the group had a worship experience and just before it ended, Angie stood and asked to say a few words.

She said she wanted to thank everyone on the tour for being so kind to her. She would never forget it. She shared that she had been divorced for several years. And just a few months before, her son in his early twenties had been killed in an accident. Since he died, her life was mostly over.

She said she had planned to go on this tour, then go home and take her life. But because of the kindness shown by everyone, she would start a new life. "Thank you all," she said and sat down.

You know, sometimes God takes your misguided efforts and saves someone’s life. God is so good.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

"How much do you think you’re worth…to God?"

A woman from Arizona visited her sister in Danville, Virginia. As sisters sometimes do, they went shopping. Well, these two sisters wound up shopping at the local Goodwill Store.

They browsed along, just looking the store over for bargains. The sister from Arizona walked over to the jewelry section where she noticed a nice-looking string of pearls. She picked up the pearls and saw that they had a gold clasp. The more she handled them, the more she liked them. And when she saw the price tag—69 cents—she decided to get them.

When she got back to Arizona, she decided on a whim to have the pearls appraised, just for fun, to see what they might be worth. Well, they were worth a little more than the 69 cents she paid for them. They appraised for $50,000.

The next time someone tries to tag you as not worth much, just remember this woman from Arizona and her pearls. And remind yourself that God does the appraising of valuables like you…and considers you priceless!