"Do you divide life?"
A parent told me a story recently about their daughter and dinner. It seems that one of their table rules is that if you want to have dessert, you first have to eat all of the food on your plate. Sounds reasonable, right?
Well, their daughter who’s about five, had not eaten all of the food on her plate. She put down her fork anyway, stuck out her stomach, patted it, and said, "Oh me, I’m full."
Her mother then said, "Oh, well if you’re full, and you haven’t cleaned your plate, I guess you don’t want any dessert." She was trying to avoid going to war over dessert again.
The little girl just kept patting her stomach, and said, "Yes, I do want dessert."
And the mother said, "Oh, but you’re full, remember?"
"Well," the daughter, "the dinner side of my stomach is full, but the dessert side is empty."
Do you divide life like this little girl does? Into the sweet situations you think you can handle and the rest for God? This time of year can get pretty stressful so let God have all of you as you listen to life and make a life.