"Who do you appreciate?"
Every single one of us requires appreciation. And I guess that’s why this month is National Hair-itage Month…that’s spelled “H-a-i-r—itage,” “Hair-itage.” This month encourages us to appreciate the beauty and hair care professionals in our lives like our hair stylist.
Now you may think it quite hilarious that I would talk about appreciating hair stylists, especially if you’ve been to our website at www.listentolife.org and seen the image of me there. I am, well—there’s no easy way to say this—I’m going bald pretty quickly. In fact, my hair stylist tells everyone that she makes more per minute off of me than any other customer. My haircut takes about six minutes.
So while the hair care companies aren’t beating on my door to do TV commercials, let me ask you this: is the only time you talk about your stylist when something goes wrong? Today, brag on your stylist to someone and let him/her know of your appreciation for a job well-done. And remember: what goes around, comes around.