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Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Have you ever broken a bone?"

Have you ever broken an arm or a hand, a leg or a finger? Then you know how hard it suddenly is to do something really simple.

Try to tie your shoe with one hand if you’ve never broken a bone. Or open a jar with one hand. Or button a shirt with one hand. Things you used to do without thinking using two hands take all our concentration when only one hand is available. And even if you can get it done, then the results are sloppy and embarrassing and it takes you forever to do it.

Some tasks just take two—two hands or two people. One simply isn't enough to get the job done.

God knows there are lots of things in life that you and I can’t do alone. So God wants to help you, giving you a hand when you ask for one. Ask God for a hand when the going gets tough today. You’ll be amazed at what the two of you can do together this weekend as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Storms come up quickly, don’t they?"

Yesterday I told you about the rain forecast for my part of the world and how I prepared my roses for it. Well, that day started out with anything but rain. I mean the sun was shining, the temperature was warm for winter, and I’m thinking, "You mean I did all of this work on my rose gardens and for nothing?" I’m sure you’ve said something like that before, haven’t you?

Just about the time I’ve given up, the wind starts to blow. I look out over the mountains and the sky starts getting dark. And within just a few minutes, a major thunderstorm blew up and the rain started. About an hour later, we had a tornado warning. The weather changed very, very quickly.

Life changes about that quickly, also, doesn’t it? Everything is fine with your life and all of a sudden, a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. There’s an accident involving a friend. Your job is eliminated and you’re laid off. A storm blows up in a hurry in your life.

God is in your life in the good and the stormy times. Find God as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Do you prepare to succeed?"

The forecast was for rain and not just a little. I mean a lot of rain, like 2-3 inches. And it was the time of year when I was supposed to prune and fertilize my rose bushes. So I took off a few hours early to work in my rose gardens. I cut back the dead canes from winter and carefully selected the strongest parts of the bush I wanted to grow this season. I trimmed them back and discovered lots of green—a sure sign of life in the plant. I removed the mulch from around the base of the bush to protect it from the winter cold and poured on my secret concoction guaranteed to feed and produce beautiful flowers. All of this just in time for the rain…

…and boy did it rain! Two days later, it rained another inch. So guess how my roses look now? They’re beautiful! I prepared, God watered, and we were successful.

Are you prepared for God’s blessings today? How do you prepare? Cut back your dead habits. Select your best attitude. Feed your spirit everyday. Then listen to your life and make a life, not just a living and enjoy as God waters you to become beautifully successful!

Monday, March 24, 2008

"Are you dead?"

It seemed like it happened overnight.

One day, my yard is brown and gray. No green sprigs. Obviously dead. The maple and Bradford pear trees are just tall sticks with arms reaching heaven-ward, but with no leaves, no sign of life. Obviously dead.

Then one day it just happens. Miraculously. Almost overnight. The yard takes on a hint of green. Not a lot, but enough. The heaven-ward reaching arms of the maple trees turn red on their tips. Just a little, but enough. The Bradford pear trees hold up their arms looking like somebody stuck cotton puffs on them. Not huge ones, but enough.

Enough for me to know that they’re not dead. That there’s still life in them. And that that life is about to surge, then emerge, in a wonderful display of spring.

If not today, then some day soon, you’ll have a tough morning. And you’ll feel like there’s no life in you. That you’re dead. Remind yourself that you still have life in you—God—and watch as God surges, emerges, and then springs forth life in you. Listen to that life and make a life, not just a living, okay?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

"I absolutely love chocolate bunnies. Which kind of chocolate bunny is your favorite?"

My grandmother gave me a chocolate bunny every spring when I was a kid. I always looked forward to getting it, but there were some chocolate bunnies I liked better than others. You see some years she gave me a hollow chocolate bunny. Now I really liked the chocolate, but when I bit into it, there was nothing but air. Other years she gave me a marshmallow-filled chocolate bunny. It was great because it had something inside. But marshmallow does get a little old after a few bites. My favorite years were those when my grandmother gave me solid chocolate bunnies. They were chocolate all the way through.

What is your soul filled with? Air? Gooey softness? Or, are you solid all the way through? God wants to fill your soul all the way through with all the sweet goodness of life. Be solid in your soul as you listen to life today for what God has to say.