"Have you ever broken a bone?"
Have you ever broken an arm or a hand, a leg or a finger? Then you know how hard it suddenly is to do something really simple.
Try to tie your shoe with one hand if you’ve never broken a bone. Or open a jar with one hand. Or button a shirt with one hand. Things you used to do without thinking using two hands take all our concentration when only one hand is available. And even if you can get it done, then the results are sloppy and embarrassing and it takes you forever to do it.
Some tasks just take two—two hands or two people. One simply isn't enough to get the job done.
God knows there are lots of things in life that you and I can’t do alone. So God wants to help you, giving you a hand when you ask for one. Ask God for a hand when the going gets tough today. You’ll be amazed at what the two of you can do together this weekend as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.