"Where do you struggle?"
I was working around our farm recently when I noticed something growing under a very large oak tree. I discovered a small maple tree struggling to live under that huge oak tree.
I say “struggling to live” because it was very tiny. Its leaves weren’t fully developed and they were kind of turned down, like they were barely making it.
It occurred to me looking at that stunted maple tree struggling for life under that big oak that as long as the maple tree remained there, it would struggle for life, and probably never grow to become a mature maple, much less reach its full potential. Transplant it out in the open where it can get sunlight and won’t compete with another tree for rainfall and it thrives.
You are like a tree. If you stay in someone else’ shadow too long, you never reach maturity or your full potential. Transplant you where you’re nourished and you thrive. Step out of the shadows today and get where you can grow as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.