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Thursday, April 17, 2008

"If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is, right?"

What would you do if one Sunday afternoon during the Super Bowl, your doorbell rang? And you walk to the door, wondering who would dare to bother you during such an important event. All of a sudden you're facing glaring lights, video cameras, and a guy holding an over-sized check for ten million dollars. You've won the sweepstakes, the big cash giveaway, against all the odds. What do you think your first reaction might be?

The videotape of most of these big winners usually shows them dancing around screaming "I don't believe it!" They’re thinking what you’d think—"It’s too good to be true!"

There’ll be some time in your day very soon when something great happens to you and you think, "This is too good to be true!" Remind yourself right then and there that God wants good things to happen to you. Which means there’s nothing too good to be true! Just enjoy winning as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"You never know, do you?"

You may remember Willie Aames as "Tommy Bradford" on the 80s TV show, Eight is Enough. Or, you may know him as "Buddy" on Charles in Charge. Or, perhaps you’ve seen him on VH-1’s Celebrity Fit Club. However you know Willie Aames, I’ll bet you’d never guess that this star of TV and movies attempted suicide when he was only three-years old.

I know that’s hard to believe, but it’s true. In his new book, Grace is Enough, Aames tells a desperate story of suffering from depression and drug addiction. He found himself broke and living in a friend’s bedroom closet. He credits God with rescuing him from a miserable existence into making a life of spiritual satisfaction and meaning.

But you never would have known, would you? I suspect you work or live in a neighborhood with or grocery shop with someone like Willie Aames. Someone who’s hurting despite all the outer trappings of success. Take a few minutes today to get to know someone a little better. Your kind act may make all the difference to them.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"What will you give?"

A pair of proud grandparents took their grandson shopping. The preschooler was delighted to be with them and felt all grown up because he was helping them select his Daddy a present.

They went from store-to-store, pouring over various kinds of presents, but none of them seemed to be exactly what they wanted. The grandparents asked their grandson while they were on the way from one store to another what he thought they should give his Daddy.

"Two by fours," the little guy said. "You can always use two by fours."

"What?" the grandparents asked.

"Well, when Daddy and I were at the store the other day, we bought two by four boards. And he told me that you can always use two by fours." The son is renovating a lake house.

There was nothing else for the grandparents to do but buy two by fours, wrap them up, and put a bow on them for their son. Everyone had a great laugh!

The next time you give a gift, don’t give what you want. Give what the other person can always use as you make a life, not just a living.

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Are you ready on time?"

The animals decided to have their own version of the Super Bowl. And they chose as teams The Big Animals and The Little Animals.

The Big Animals dominated the first half of the game. At halftime, the score was 35-0.

To start the second half, the coach sent The Lion in to run the ball. "Boom!" down went The Lion at the line of scrimmage. He came off the field and the coach screamed, "What happened?" and all The Lion could say was, "the centipede."

So the coach put The Elephant in to carry the ball. He went down at the line, also. "Coach, it was the centipede" was all he could utter.

Then the coach put The Rhino in the game to take the ball. This time it was a huge "Boom!" as The Rhino fell at the line, injuring him. He whispered "the centipede" as the medics carried him off the field.

So the coach screams, "Hey centipede! Where were you in the first half?"

And the centipede yells back, "Putting on my shoes!"

As you go out to play the game of life today, make sure you’re ready on time so you won’t miss a single opportunity to make a life, not just a living.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

"What's God giving you?"

One winter had been unusually cold where I live with lots of snow and ice storms. All of this bad weather meant that the birds didn’t have much to eat. And that meant our bird feeders had lots of birds.

One feeder was really a big hit. It was filled with thistle seed which is a real treat for finches and other small birds. They perch in a nearby Japanese maple tree and fly over and fight over who’s next to eat.

Well, that feeder hangs over the same porch as another feeder. This other feeder is filled with sunflower seeds. Recently I noticed a bird perched on the chain that hangs that feeder. Just beneath it were all the seeds that bird could ever hope to eat. But instead of enjoying those seeds, the bird just hung there, waiting for an opportunity to fly over to the thistle feeder.

Are you like that bird? Every day, God provides you with more than you really need and it’s within easy reach. But for some reason, you ignore it in favor of what someone else has.

Enjoy what God gives you today as you make a life, not just a living.