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Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Who waits on you?"

Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!

‘Tis the season, isn’t it? ‘Tis the season to shop for the perfect gift, to crowd the shopping centers and superstores and malls in pursuit of the prize—a personal, just-right gift for someone special.

Well, as you’re pushing and perusing and pursuing, look up and see the person you’re paying. That person is most likely working a lot of long hours right now, standing on her feet day after day, trying to help you and thousands of others find the perfect gift. He’s probably been moving boxes of merchandise and unloading trucks until late at night. Our younger daughter is experiencing this version of “season’s greetings” for the first time this year. It’s interesting…

If the store’s owner waits on you, she’s praying that she’ll do well this season, knowing that she needs to do up to 50% or more of her annual business in about eight weeks. That’s a lot of pressure for anybody to be under.

So as you shop, look up and see the person you’re paying as a person; a person who’s a daughter or son trying to earn a little extra money this year, someone like you who’s doing the best she can to listen to life and make a life and a living.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"Can you live with it?"

A year ago today I was with my brother at a hospital. He had surgery on his eye. He had surgery a few months before on the same eye for a detached retina. Unfortunately the retina detached again at another place. Not exactly what we had prayed for.

When he called me to tell me what was going on, he was understandably upset. The odds weren’t as good that the second surgery would work.

His imagination went into overdrive with worry, just like yours and mine would if we were in his position. He didn’t want to go through the incredible pain again. Or, to inconvenience his wife or worry his children or burden our parents. And what if he couldn’t work, he’d lose lots of business.

So I said to him, “Buddy, all we have is today. None of this stuff may ever happen, but right now is what’s happening. And here’s what we know: You can live with whatever life brings because God is with you today.”

Like my brother, whatever situation you’re facing, you can live with it because God is with you today.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Who are you?"

Nearly all of the trees on our farm had dropped their leaves by last month except for one maple tree. This one maple tree held on to its leaves like a kid hanging on to his blanket when mom says it has to be washed. And finally it started letting go of its leaves.

The woods were a dark grayish, brown color. The rest of the trees looked like sticks. But this last maple tree put on a show of color like few I’ve ever seen. It’s green leaves turned yellow, then orange, then red against the dark backdrop of the woods. It was absolutely a marvel to watch daily.

Now I know a botanist would tell me that the maple tree’s combination of rainfall and nutrients and sunlight determined its leaf dropping. But it seemed like that tree has a uniqueness about it that perseveres in the face of Mother Nature.

Be like this maple tree. Don’t blindly follow the crowd. Be unique. Out of nearly seven billion people here, there’s only one you. Be the best you possible, with all of your brilliant colors. That’s the way to make a life with God and not just a living!

Monday, December 14, 2009

"How’s your hand?"

Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!

I’m not much of a poker player, but I have a lot of friends who are. It’s really become a popular sport and one of my friends plays weekly with a group.

One of my friends who plays said to me recently, “Well you know, it’s not always the best hand that wins.”

“How’s that?” I asked.

He explained that sometimes the player who actually has the best hand, the winning card combination, folds or gives up without presenting his hand to see if it wins. Another player may bluff or keep raising the stakes as if he has a great hand, the other player buys the bluff, and folds, only to discover when it’s too late that he had the winning hand.

Sometimes in life you’re tempted to fold early, to give up rather than to persevere. Maybe you run out of faith. Maybe you underestimate your ability to win.

God didn’t create you to fold on life. No matter how stressful this time of year is to you, keep on keeping on as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living. The life you hold is definitely a winner…because your life is in God’s hand.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

"What do you share?"

Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!

It’s hard for me to believe, but 18 years ago today, our younger daughter was born. I still remember her birth like it was last week. She arrived three weeks before her due date, so my wife and I were a little nervous during her labor. And when she was born, she was a little blue and it was kind of scary there for a few minutes.

I remember trying to tell my friends and family members about those frightening moments that seemed like days, but nobody wanted to hear it. They’d say, “Is she fine?” and I’d say, “Yes” and they’d ask to see our beautiful blessing. I decided then that hardly anyone wants to hear about the labor, but everyone wants to see the baby.

And that’s true as you listen to life, also. Nobody wants to hear about the hard work you put into a project or how many, difficult long hours you worked on it. They just want to see the outcome.

So today as you listen to life and make a life, remember to share your outcomes, and talk about them as beautiful blessings from God.

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