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Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Do you use the “off” button?"

It seems that everywhere I go people are talking—either through actual conversations or texting—someone who’s not there. I go to our daughter’s track meet and every kid there is texting a friend who’s not there. I drive down the road and every other driver has a phone up to her ear, yakking away while driving. I eat out in a restaurant and at most tables or booths there’s someone answering email or messaging on a Blackberry.

I wonder what life would be like if for a day you and I and all of our friends and family members and work associates used the "off" button. Just cut off our mobile devices and actually had a real-life, in-person conversation with the folks at the track meet or the other person in the car or a lunch companion. Or, what if we walked around the track or drove the car or ate lunch in silence, just listening to life around us. What would life be like if you and I did that for a day?

Try it for a day. Then email me at DrJoey@listentolife.org to participate in National Turn-It-Off Day and let’s listen to life and make a life, not just a living.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Do you stir it up?"

My brother was teaching a group of children about life. He explained to the children how they can spread God’s love in the world. His plan was to drop a few drops of food coloring in a jar of water to demonstrate how just a little bit of love can change the world around them. That was his plan, but when he dropped the food coloring in the jar, it didn’t quite turn out the way he hoped.

The food coloring didn’t naturally disperse through the water. Instead it just fell through the water as a lump and clumped in the bottom of the jar.

So he used it as an opportunity to add another layer to the lesson. He told the children, "Do you see the blue color in the bottom of the jar? It’s not changing the color of the water is it? But let’s stir it up and see what happens." Of course that made all the water turn blue.

Then he told the children, "Sometimes we have to stir life up a bit, change some things, be with some people we don’t know, to get God’s love into the world and not just stay clumped up with our friends and family."

Sounds like my brother and these children listen to life, don’t you think?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"So do you play?"

Frankly, I don’t remember when it was, but from what my wife tells me, she and I were together—I think watching TV—when a guy came on playing a harmonica. And I said something like, "I’ve always wanted to learn to play the harmonica. It looks like fun!"

Now what you need to know is that a long, long time ago, I played a little guitar. And I’ve been known to sing in a choir or ensemble along the way, but I am no musician.

Well, after mentioning the harmonica, guess what I received as a gift? Yep, a harmonica. I’ve not spent as much time learning how to play it as I wish, but I do have a book ordered, something like Harmonica for Dummies or Idiots.

Now I probably wouldn’t have bought myself a harmonica even though I said I’ve always wanted to learn to play one. But my wife listened, learned, and loved getting me one.

God listens to you that carefully, also, and wants you to do what you love to do. So don’t be surprised when you receive a harmonica or whatever you’d love to do because God’s listening to you!

Monday, May 26, 2008

"What's your first reaction?"

I’ll always remember the first time our family took one of our yellow Labs to the beach. Princess loves the water, but had never seen the ocean. So when we took her down for the first time, she really didn’t know what to think. I mean, the ocean’s wet so she knew she’s supposed to like it, but the waves crashing in on her scared her. This water moved and that was different.

Soon we couldn’t get her out of the water. She jumped the waves and loved every minute. Then she discovered the sand and in minutes was on her way to China, digging a hole just as fast as she could, enthralled with how easy it was to dig in this dirt; totally unlike the hard soil around our home on the mountain.

Are you like Princess? Is fear your first reaction when you face a new situation? Do you try it out and discover the beauty of something new?

Sometime soon, maybe even today, you’ll face your ocean. Take a deep breath, ask God to be with you, then go play in it as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

"Who are you remembering today?"

Today’s Memorial Day, the day when Americans remember the war veterans who sacrificed their lives for their country. But it’s also a day when we remember other people and their special contributions to us.

A lot of people fly flags today to remember our war veterans. When remembering other family members and friends, some folks go put flowers on graves. Remembering those we loved is important to us.

We had a dog, Charlie, who died around Christmas and our family looked for a way to remember him. And we found one—we adopted another Yellow Lab named Cody. Cody looked a lot like Charlie, played a lot like Charlie did, and reminded us in a lot of ways of Charlie. So I guess the best memorial we could make to Charlie was to adopt someone like him.

Find someone today who reminds you of your loved one…and adopt him or her…and your loved one’s memory lives on. How do you find this someone? Just listen to your life and make a life, not just a living today.