"Do you use the “off” button?"
It seems that everywhere I go people are talking—either through actual conversations or texting—someone who’s not there. I go to our daughter’s track meet and every kid there is texting a friend who’s not there. I drive down the road and every other driver has a phone up to her ear, yakking away while driving. I eat out in a restaurant and at most tables or booths there’s someone answering email or messaging on a Blackberry.
I wonder what life would be like if for a day you and I and all of our friends and family members and work associates used the "off" button. Just cut off our mobile devices and actually had a real-life, in-person conversation with the folks at the track meet or the other person in the car or a lunch companion. Or, what if we walked around the track or drove the car or ate lunch in silence, just listening to life around us. What would life be like if you and I did that for a day?
Try it for a day. Then email me at DrJoey@listentolife.org to participate in National Turn-It-Off Day and let’s listen to life and make a life, not just a living.