"Where do you put your weight down?"
Did you hear about the man who took his first airplane ride? He didn't really want to go, but was finally persuaded to try it. Scared to death, he got in the plane. The pilot took off, circled the field and landed safely. Someone asked him, “Well, now that wasn't so bad, was it?”
And the man said, “I’ll tell you this much. I never did put my full weight down in that thing!”
I can relate with that guy, can’t you? There are lots of times that I’m not really sure about trusting something new. And there are other times when I’m just afraid of stepping out and trying it.
But when I’m afraid, that’s when I listen to life. Listening to life means putting your full weight down on God even when you’re afraid of something and don’t trust it. Listening to life means actually anchoring yourself to God and letting God carry you around the field of life and bring you safely back.
So as you make a life and not just a living today, put your full weight in God’s hands.