"Do you make a life, or just a living?"
I keep on one of my desks a handwritten note from our younger daughter. It reads, "Daddy, don’t work too hard today. I Love You, [her name]."
I keep that note on my desk because it reminds me that being a Daddy comes before working. And it helps me recall a story I heard once about a little boy who asked his dad, "How much money do you make an hour?"
The dad said, "About $100."
The little boy dropped his head, then raised it and asked his dad, "May I borrow $50?"
His dad became more than a little upset with him for asking and sent him to his room. Then the dad thought better of his response and went to see his son and gave him the $50. "Why do you want it?" he said.
The little boy smiling, reached under his pillow, took out a handful of bills, gave them to his dad along with the $50 he’d just received and said, "I have $100 now. Would you come home from work early tomorrow? I’ll buy an hour of your time!"
Make sure you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today, okay?