"Has your life changed?"
I’ve been telling you for several years now about some birds that come back to the same nest to hatch their young. I’ve not torn the nest down until last summer. We had some painting done and of course the nest had to come down.
Well, those same birds didn’t come back to the same spot this year. They moved around to the front porch. The molding around our front door has a ledge on top. A piece of screen wiring was up there and had discouraged the birds from building there…until the painting was done. The screening was removed to paint. The birds discovered it, and built their nest there.
I decided to leave the nest alone and see if they raised a second family there. Guess what? A mother bird was sitting on the nest about 10 days following the flying away of the first family. And by the time you hear and read this story, I suspect they’ll be about ready to fly away, also.
Sometimes life changes on you, doesn’t it? Your routine gets disturbed and the familiar is gone. Be like these birds. Discover another way of doing life and enjoy it as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.