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Thursday, October 08, 2009

"Does God care about your little things?"

Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!

A woman who listens to life through our web site at www.ListentoLife.org tells the story of giving her niece a baby shower. After taking most of the stuff she was to supply and helping set up, she went back home to change clothes. She had forgotten the plates and was also to get a safety pin to pin the corsage on the mother-to-be.

Well, all the way home, she kept saying, “Plates/pin;plates/pin” so she would remember them. But, she finished getting ready, picked up the plates and rushed out of the house. Half way back to the shower, she realized that she forgot the safety pin for the corsage.

“God,” she said out loud, “I don't want to go back to get a pin.” At that very moment, she looked down in the ashtray of her car and saw a large, shiny safety pin. “Thank you, God,” she said.

Of course, God has a lot bigger things like war and hunger to work on. But remember today that, like this woman, God cares about even the little things in your life like safety pins as you listen to life today for what God has to say.

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

"Do you flinch?"

Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!

When I was a teenager, my dad, little brother, and I went hunting one day. It was a crisp fall morning and we were having a great time together bird hunting. In fact, one of us downed a bird and I went after it. It fell over in one of my grandfather’s cow pastures.

There was a tiny stream running through the pasture. I thought maybe the bird had fallen in it so I stepped over to take a look. All of a sudden, I heard what sounded like thunder and looked up to discover a small herd of about 25 cattle running straight for me, charging. By this time, they were too close for me to outrun. I thought about shooting the lead cow, but I knew Granddaddy wouldn’t like that so I decided to wait until the last possible moment before shooting. So I just stood there, not flinching, staring down that lead cow; my gun leveled just in case. Right before she got to the stream, she stopped and the herd stopped too.

The next time a life problem charges you, don’t run, don’t shoot; don’t flinch. Have the courage to stand, stare it down, and know God is in control.

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

"Are you blessed…and don’t know it?"

Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!

A friend of mine recently took out the old stove in his home, a stove that worked just fine, and put in a new stove that didn’t work at all. So he sent the new stove back to the company and they graciously sent him a new one. And the second new stove didn’t work.

So being rather bright, my friend decided it might not be the new stoves, but something electrical and he called an electrician. The electrician quickly figured out that the connection wasn’t grounded.

And so my friend asked, “Well, then why did the old stove work and this one doesn’t?”

And the electrician replied, “Mister, I can’t explain everything to you about how and why electricity works. Just consider yourself blessed that your house didn’t burn down.”

Sometimes in life we’re blessed…and don’t even know it. Now I can’t explain everything to you about how and why life works. Just consider yourself blessed that your life isn’t burning down as you listen to life today for what God has to say.

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Monday, October 05, 2009

"Are you hanging on?"

A tornado blew through the area I call home some years ago. It did millions of dollars of damage to property, but, thank God, no one was killed.

I remember listening to life with a friend one day shortly after, and she was telling me about being on the second floor of her office building, staring out the window while the storm blew. As she sat there staring out of the window, she noticed a spider hanging on the window for dear life, being blown all around by the strong winds. The spider hung on by a single thread. And my friend thought, “I sure hope that’s the right thread!”

Life has a habit of blowing up storms some times, doesn’t it? And you find yourself being blown around all of a sudden. Situations you didn’t anticipate blow up in your face and all you can do is hang on. And hopefully you’re hanging on by the right thread.

What’s the right thread? The right thread is the thread of knowing that you’re not alone as the storm blows up, that God is with you, giving you strength you didn’t know you have. So listen to life always, but especially in a storm.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Is life like a board game?

Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!

Have you ever thought about life as a board game?

Think about it. In a board game, you’re always trying to advance your playing piece, regardless of whether you’re playing Life, Candy Land, or Monopoly. You’re on your way somewhere. Sometimes you draw a card and have twins or get stuck in Molasses Swamp or land on Baltic Avenue and other times, Boardwalk. Sometimes you draw a “Get Out of Jail Free” card and other times you land on “Go Straight to Jail. Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200.”

Sometimes you roll or spin your best effort and you advance 6 spaces and you celebrate. Other times, you give it your best effort, and advance 6 spaces, only to discover that you’ve got to go back 20 spaces.

Life is like a board game. Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense. But yet, you keep playing, don’t you? I guess that’s because you’re going somewhere and want to get there one day.

Since life is like a board game, as you’re going somewhere, go with God as your traveling companion so you can make a life, not just a living.

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