"Does God care about your little things?"
Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!
A woman who listens to life through our web site at www.ListentoLife.org tells the story of giving her niece a baby shower. After taking most of the stuff she was to supply and helping set up, she went back home to change clothes. She had forgotten the plates and was also to get a safety pin to pin the corsage on the mother-to-be.
Well, all the way home, she kept saying, “Plates/pin;plates/pin” so she would remember them. But, she finished getting ready, picked up the plates and rushed out of the house. Half way back to the shower, she realized that she forgot the safety pin for the corsage.
“God,” she said out loud, “I don't want to go back to get a pin.” At that very moment, she looked down in the ashtray of her car and saw a large, shiny safety pin. “Thank you, God,” she said.
Of course, God has a lot bigger things like war and hunger to work on. But remember today that, like this woman, God cares about even the little things in your life like safety pins as you listen to life today for what God has to say.
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